C14:Crystal of Purification

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C14:Crystal of Purification
February 8,2018


Multiple rock pillars rose from the ground and tried to take them down to the ground.

The Centaur Chief was now mad and didn't bother saving his mana and threw multiple spells all at once.

Hiro shot a Frozen Wooden Spear but didn't do much damage to the Centaur Chief's rock pillars.

Crimson wasn't casting any skill since she was still recovering her MP and SP that was spent when fighting the Centaur Chief.

"You're too weak and you dared to fight this Chief? Fools! I'm not entitled the Lord of Earthquakes for nothing!"

Suddenly, a large patch of landed started shaking and then flew to their direction.

They erected barriers but they were useless when hit by this gigantic projectile and we're sent flying.

Thankfully, the landed on a safe area and not on the lava below.

Hiro gritted his teeth and ignored the pain he was feeling and drank several HP potions. Crimson also did the same as him and they got back on their feet.

"We can't defeat him. We have to flee"

Crimson shook her head upon hearing his words.

"We can't. The whole place is his domain. If he want to, he can even make the spot we ate standing into sink. That's the Domain Power of the Calamity Lords. They wreck everything on their paths"

Hiro was startled upon hearing her words.

The Lords of Calamity are indeed very strong if they have that power.

He looked at the Centaur Chief with a serious expression.

Suddenly, he noticed that there stream of red light flowing into the Centaur Chief's back. If you don't look carefully, you won't notice it since it's almost invisible.

Trailing the flow of light with his eyes, his eyes landed on a Basket ball sized Red crystal on top of the altar behind the Centaur Chief.

Strangely, he felt as if something was being taken away from. It didn't felt bad. In fact, he even felt very light.

Opening his Stats Screen, he noticed they all increased by at least one point.

While he couldn't see the Centaur Chief's stats, he knew he was also getting stronger every moment that passes.

'That's it. The red crystal is strengthening the Centaur Chief. If we can take that away then he will stop being stronger and may lose some of his strength!'

He looked at Crimson and it seems she also noticed it.

"I'll distract him. You go and snatch that crystal"


Crimson glared at him annoyed at his question.

"Do you want to exchange roles instead?"

"No, I'll do it"

He couldn't believe this girl would actually let herself take on the attacks of the Centaur Chief instead of using him as a meat shield while trying to take the red crystal.

Still, he became serious and prepared himself.

"Scared now? Even though we, the Lords of Calamities still haven't recovered our full strength, we're still enough to kill the likes of weaklings like you"

Crimson sat atop her Syringe and fired beams of red light at the Centaur Chief and ignored his taunts which further enraged him.

Hiro took this as an opportunity and flew to the Centaur Chief using the best Rapid Flight he can do which even increased the level of the skill.

A Frozen Wooden Spear was conjured on his right hand and he pointed it at the Centaur Chief and threw it with great force.

The Centaur Chief raised his spear while laughing with the intent to block the attack when Hiro flew past him and reached the altar.

"What!? You!"

The Centaur Chief was surprised but then roared at him and tried to launch an attack when he sensed danger in front.

The large Syringe Crimson was sitting upon was now blue colored and was releasing sparks of lightning on the needle.

Just as he was to land an attack to Hiro, he was hit by a ball of lightning and was sent flying into the air.

The smell of burnt flesh permeated the air as the Centaur Chief suffered burns and couldn't get up for a while due to being numbed by the lightning.

Hiro didn't let this chance go and grabbed the Red Crystal right away.

Suddenly, he saw black lines being absorbed from his body and flew to the Red Crystal. In return, a red flow of light similar to the one who entered the Centaur Chief's body appeared and flowed inside him.

His head was hurting and he knew that it was strengthening his soul. He felt very weak but couldn't let himself fall because he knew that they still have a problem to solve.

Examining the crystal with the Status Info, he learned that it was called the Crystal of Purification.

As soon as he grabbed the Crystal of Purification, the Centaur Chief roared. It's body was filled pain as it was slowly disappearing in the air.

After a few seconds, he totally disappeared leaving behind his spear and the Earthquake Elemental Crystal.

But Hiro didn't get to enjoy their victory because his head felt like it was about to explode.

"Hiro, let go of that crystal!"

Hiro was happy that she finally called him by his name which he haven't heard ever since they introduced themselves to each other.

But just as he let of the Crystal of Purification, he lost consciousness.


Was a bit difficult to make but it's done. So how was it guys? Did you like it?

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