C11:The Truth

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C11:The Truth
February 4,2018


Capital City.

As one of the most largest city in the whole World of Souls, large buildings,different kinds of stores and hundreds of thousands of players can be seen wandering around. It is also very popular because the headquarters of the largest guild in the game, the Holy Knights Guild.

In a secluded area of the city, a small shop selling amulets and accessories was built. It was so hidden from the public that there were almost no player that knows this place.

Inside, an average looking purple eyed black haired man wearing a blue armor was staring at a beautiful woman in red robes.

They were currently sitting near a table and drinking tea.

Hiro was staring at her awkwardly while she was staring at him with an expressionless face.

He didn't know that the person he was going to meet in the Capital City was actually this girl who he kill strealed from.

It all started when he met the Black Sage.


"Are you really going to leave without hiding that you are already an Independent Soul?"

Hiro froze on his tracks after he heard the old man speak.

How did he know?!

"Hehe. There are a lot of things things that you don't know in this world young man. If you go out like that then those people who created this game will surely know that you are already not part of the system and will surely exterminate you both know and out of the game"

When he heard his words, Hiro was shaken.

"What do you want?"

"I just want to talk to you young man. Sit"

The room brightened and a chair suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Hiro could now see the face of the old man clearly.

He looked sinister and there was a twisted smile on his face. He didn't looked too old and there were few wrinkles on his face. He was very skinny and his eyes were the color of red which made him terrifying to look at.

While hesitating, Hiro sat down.

"Just like I said, I'm a resident of this world. An original resident. Unlike you and the creators of the one who made this 'game' that you call came."

"Then are you saying that this world is real and we are the invaders? That's impossible. Isn't this just a Virtual World created by the company for players?"

The Old man named the Black Sage smiled mysteriously after he spoke.

"Did you ever heard of the term 'Parallel Universe'?"

Hiro's eyes widened.

"Of course I did. It's a universe completely similar but also different from our universe. Though it's only a theory and not proven. Are you saying that this world is in a parallel world?!"

"To be exact. Just on the borders. The Parallel Universe is now closed and needs a very strong weapon just to burst open a pathway for people to enter."

Hiro couldn't believe what he was saying. Maybe this old man is only playing with him and not telling the truth.

"But that's impossible. How can we go into this place without teleporting? Earth still haven't discovered the way to teleport a living being to another place"

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