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"You're going down!" I say from the race slide right next to Finn.

"You wish, I'm gonna win." He says and pushes off.

"Hey! I didn't say go!" I yell pushing off the slide, I end up catching up to him, I just stand up staring, pull and innocent smile and wave at him as I pass him down the slide.

I look ahead of me again and see a part of the slide missing.

"Oh fuck." I sigh, I quickly jump off my board rolling down the side, I stop right before falling off, my board goes passed be before I can grab it, I watch it go over the edge quickly reaching for it.

I slowly pull my arm up realizing I caught it by the wheel.  I look around and see Finn at the bottom of the slide.

"Told you I'd win!" He yells.

"There's a price missing on my slide! That doesn't count!" I yell.  He hops over onto my slide and starts climbing up it.

"Holy- You have to jump." He holds his arms out and I stare at him like he's crazy.. well because he is.

"I won't make that!" I say pointing at it.

"I'll catch you." He smiles.

"I can't believe I'm doing this." I shake my head and jump, he catches me and we both fall on the slide, our boards sliding down together.

We both sit up and sit against the side of the slide.

"Venus, you didn't tell me you loved me back last night." He says ending the small silence that was between us.

"I have a reason." I say.

"Can I know?" He asks.

"Because everyone who has ever told me I love you has left me at one point." I blurt out.

I feel him grab my hand, "I won't leave you, I promise." He says.

"I understand that you promise, but promises have been and can be broken." I stand up and start to walk down the slide.  I reach the bottom and hop off the slide onto the pavement next to it.

I walk down into the bottom of the empty pool to grab my board when someone lands in front of me.

"I know you don't believe me." He says and grabs my hand again, "But I keep my promises."

I look up at him making eye contact, "Even if you're not ready to say it, I'll wait as long as I need to." He says.

I lean forward and peck his lips, "Thank you."

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T HAVE A KEY??" Jupiter scream at me.

"I don't have a key, man." I laugh as I stand up, she should know I wouldn't handcuff them together if I didn't know how to take it off of them.

"Get it off of us! It hurts and—no offense babe, but I don't wanna be attached to Wyatt." She says. My eyes widen.. babe? It worked?

"Babe?!" Finn yells with Jaeden.

"Yes, babe. She's my girlfriend." Wyatt says. I smile at them, yep it worked.

"Yo, dude," Jack 'bro hugs' him and laughs, "You—"

"STOP, talking Jack." Finn says.

"I'll pick the lock." I roll my eyes then grab a bobby pin from my hair that I put up earlier and takes the handcuffs off of them.

"Thank you, Ve." Jupiter hugs me.

The sun is going down, it's late, so that means we should probably be getting ready to sleep, we have a long way ahead of us tomorrow, we're finally going to see Comet.

"Hey! Who's there!" I look up and see a man pointing a flashlight at us.

"Shit!" Jaeden yells and we grab our things.

Jupiter runs up some stairs, Jack and I follow her.

"Fuck!" She yells.

"GET BACK HERE!" The man says following us.

"What are we going to do?!" I ask looking around.

"Slide down, we—" She says pointing at a slide.

"Jack go. Get down and we'll wait and get rid of the man." I say.

There's a chance that we could get arrested, brought into the station, go to jail. But I'd rather have that be me than Jack. We brought him along, dragged him in this mess. He deserves to get out.

"W-what?! Not without you two, you're my sisters—"

"Jack! Go there's not enough time! Go." Jupiter says, he sits down on his board giving in and gets ready to go.

"I love you, both." Tears form in his eyes.

"We love you too, Jack." Jupiter says, then I push him down the slide, we turn around and see the man finally at the top of the slide with us.

"Well, well, well.. You're the two missing girls, huh? I can get a reword for bringing you in." The man smirks.

"Stay away from us." Jupiter growls.

"Yeah?!" He yells, he goes to grab me but I dodge his hand, "I want that money."

Jupiter stands in front of her and glare at the man. "Don't touch her."

Oh boy, here comes the protective older sister side of her.

He pulls out his taser, my eyes widen when I hear his set it off, we're gonna get tased and we're going to die. I never gotten to this point in life. Never gotten to the point where I was in so much danger.

How do we get out of this mess? There is literally no way.

Jupiter then disappears from in front of me, I look to where she is and see her push the man, he falls off the side of the platform. He starts to yell as he falls.

Once we hear something hit the ground, the screaming stops, Jupiter turns and looks at me.

Her eyes are wide, I can tell she didn't mean to do it but still..

Jupiter is a murderer now..

honestly i feel like life has been too good lately, everything's just been falling into place and everything's been working out well but i feel like it's all too good to be true so i'm trying not to get my hopes up
- hayden

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