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Have you ever believed in love at first sight? I used to think it was bullshit, until it actually happened to me.

I figured out his name is Finn since the doctor looked him up.

All I could do was stare at the unconscious boy on the hospital bed as all the doctors and nurses ran around the room.

"Will he be okay?" I ask grabbing a nurses sleeve as she's walks passed me.

"Yes he will honey, can you please step out? We need to stitch up his shoulder." I let go of her sleeve and meet the others in the waiting room.

"Is everything going to be okay?" Jupiter asks strumming on her ukelele. I nod and lay down on a couch next to her.

"Sing a song?" I ask, she smiles at me and starts to play a tune I recognize.

No one else is in the waiting room so we're not disturbing anyone don't worry.

I harmonize with her at a few parts. I see her look over at me as she keeps singing and playing but I don't look at her back. I just close my eyes.

The song ends and the nurse walks into the waiting room.

"That was very good." She smiles, I sit up as she walks to us, "He's awake."

I let out a sigh of relief and we all walk to his room, we slowly open the door and peek our heads in.

He clicks the tv on and we walk in. He turns to us and smiles.

"You guys saved my life. Thank you." He says sincerely.

"It was no problem.. but why were you running from those men? And why were them shooting at you?" Jupiter asks sitting in a chair next to him.

"My dad is in a gang, I stole a few things from him and ran away so he sent some of his men after me."

I smile, he is one of us.

"Why are you smiling?" Jaeden asks, I look at Jaeden then down at Finn.

"You should come with us." He gives me a confused look.

"We're all runaways, you should come with us." I say.

"Where are you going?" He asks looking at all of us.

"Well.. I had an idea-" A loud sound of a chair skidding on the floor cuts me off, I look up and see Jupiter standing up, she gives me a 'come with me' look.

"Uh, just a second." I say to Finn and follow Jupiter out of the room.

"What if it's not safe?" She asks me once I shut the door, "What if Comet got caught or he became dangerous? What if he's not what you remember?"

"Jupiter, I promise he's okay, it's my brother for crying out loud."

"But what if? He could have changed, he could be wanted like us, he could be a criminal for all we know, he-"

"Jupiter!" I place my hands on her shoulders so she stops talking. "You need to trust me."

"I-I do." She says looking down.

"Really? Because it doesn't seem like it." I take my hands off her let them drop down to my sides.

She opens her mouth to respond but she gets cut off by the door opening.

"Venus, Jupiter." Jack whispers poking his head out, "You're on tv again."

I glance back at Jupiter and walk into the room.

"That's you guys?" Finn asks pointing at the tv.

"Finn." I glance back at Jupiter and see her shaking her head, I sigh and look back at Finn, "We're going to my brothers house, do you want to come? Because if you do we need to leave, now." He stares at me for a second then at the others then back at me.

"I'll come."

"Can you walk?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He says taking the iv's out of his arm and sitting up.

"Jaeden, Jack and Wyatt, go get medical supplies for the road." I say turning to them, they nod and run out of the room.

"I'll run out and pull the car up, I'll meet you guys out there." I say before running out of the room and down the hall.

" I say before running out of the room and down the hall

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"What do we grab?" I ask the guys.

"Whatever you can grab." Jaeden says grabbing things.

I sigh and look around, I see a door marked employees only. I look around before walking into the room.

There's medicine everywhere, I grab multiple things and shove things into my pockets. I look out the small window to the room and see the boys still out there and no nurses or doctors.

"Will this stuff work?" I ask going up to them.

"Y-yeah, where did you get all that?" Wyatt asks while grabbing bandaids and wraps.

I motion to the door and they go in grabbing more stuff. I turn around to walk towards the way out of the hospital but when I turn around and see someone standing in front of me.

"What do you think you boys are doing with all that supplies?" I look up and see a doctor staring down at me and glancing at the other boys.

"Sorry sir." I whisper before stomping on his foot, he yelps and grabs his foot.

"Let's go!" We run out the hospital doors and see Venus with the car, Jupiter opens the door when she sees us, we all climb into the car dumping the medication in the back of it.

"To Comet!" Venus smiles making us boys cheer but not Jupiter.

"You okay?" Wyatt asks moving closer to her.

I decide to take a small nap or at least try.

- hayden

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