What happened?!

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Ooooooooooooh nilly! 134 reads! Thank you guys! this means alot since.... eh. I am not that popular online.

Anyways enjoy! Don't forget to vote, share and follow me! 


Zane and Nana quickly made their way down the almost pitch black hotel hall way. Since Nana was a meifwa and could see in the dark, the female  could easily direct Zane through the hotel. It seemed like there was a power outage. So,  as the curious pair that they are, Zane and Nana needed to investigate the situation. Both ran through the halls at a quick pace ; Zane trusting Nana with his life since he couldn't see anything. Then, they finally made it to the bottom of the hall. Nana then opened the door heading to a huge staircase. 

"Is Zane-Kun okay there?" Nana asked as she dragged Zane into the darkness. 

"Yeah, I trust you..." He replied.

"UGH! Stop saying stuff like that or I'll......" She said blushing at his cheesy remark. 

Nana stopped abruptly in front of the hotel staircase where she carried him down the many stairs in a rush. It was like if Zane was as light as a feather. When they arrived to the bottom, Nana carefully placed Zane down. The man sighed in relief ; Nana panting.  

"Woah....YOU ARE SO STRONG!" He yelled in disbelief. 

Nana did not reply, she only took his arm once again and led him to the front desk. At least there were lights at the front desk. The woman sitting there looked like she was in utter panic. Many phones were ringing at the same time as she tried to keep up with all of them. The resonating sound of phones filled the hall while the small 40 year old looking woman fiddled with the many phones in front of her. Zane, as well as Nana walked up to her. 

"Pardon me maam but... Do you need some help?" Zane kindly asked. 

"U-uh... No I got this!" She replied, still struggling. 

Nana picked up two phones at the same time without the ladie's permission and answered them intently. In one ear she heard an old man asking politely about the situation. Nana answered with confidence saying that everything was under control and hung up. In the other ear, she heard an enraged woman screaming in a fit of rage about the blackout. Nana simply replied with "Be patient madam. Everything is going to be okay, and we are currently working on the situation!" and she hung up. Zane and the older lady stared at her in awe. 

"Uh... Thank you so much." The lady added. 

"No problem!" Nana chuckled. 

The lady took a moment to answer every phone until the ringing had finally come to an end. There were many complaints but, the woman kept focus and kept calm whilst answering the hateful comments. She then turned to Zane and Nana who, were waiting for her to be done. 

"So, what can I do fer you!?" She asked. 

"Well... We kinda wanted to know what was going on!" Explained Zane.

"Oh!" Scoffed the woman. " As you can see I have been asked this question many times and.... Well....... We don't really know." 


wow its getting intense! 

Yeah I know this chapter was REALLY short! Please don't complain okay? I have a life outside of this computer.~ well.... nah thats not true. BUT STILL.

Oh also, please feel free to check out my other series because this isn't the only good content I make! (I also made a Aarmau lemon btw) ;P Anyways, vote, share, and follow me for more lemony goodness! Baiii!

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