She took a take breath before carrying on.

"So, I planned the arranged marriages; believing that you would find love in one of them, the love that you need. However I never thought of the affects it may have had on you, and I'm sorry." The tears were falling at this point, but she kept whipping them away.

Wanting her to relax, I squeezed her hands. I didn't need her soaking this brand new couch; it cost an arm and a leg.

"Mom, please stop crying, so you can listen, and listen good." I gave a few seconds to breath regular once again.

"I get it. Your intentions weren't meant to hurt me, and I am grateful for that but an arranged marriage will not fix all the baggage I carry from my past, mom."

It seemed as if I was dampening the mood since the frown on her face, deepened.

"And for your info, I have never regretted letting you guys in, well maybe Nicole, but get that thought out of your head before I do it for you." I joked, hoping to lighten the atmosphere, and it did as I watched her giggle at my aggressiveness.

"How about this, I'll break off the marriage and we forget about the whole thing?" To say I was surprised when my mother agreed was an understatement.

"Good now, I am pretty positive dad doesn't know that your here, since I just received a notification from him, asking if I have seen you." I cocked my eyebrow.

"He thought you needed more time to relax, but I could not handle the thought of you staying mad at me forever."

I sighed. Heavily.

"Mom you're being over dramatic."

"I am, aren't I?"

I nodded, "Now mom if you wouldn't mind going back to dad, since I do wish to finish my work here." I began to lightly push her towards the door.

She turned around, grasping one of my cheeks. "I am so happy to see you working hard like this."

I don't know why but I felt like crying. Her grasp on my face, just reminded me of the few moments I remember with my biological mother. The moments that made me feel loved.

"Well yeah mom business is growing, and I have to stay on top of it." I laughed off the rising tears. I hated when I became like this since my emotions had no limit. Nevertheless a tear still escaped and then they all came.

"Oh honey," she wrapped me in her arms like she did when I was younger. That made me cry harder and I felt like that ten year old once again, that had recently lost her parents.

Mother never let me go though. She cooed me whilst patting my head. Its the little actions like these that make me love her even more. It bought me back to the times, she would comfort me after every break up. The time my parents anniversaries would pass, and I'd feel empty. The time I felt like my business was failing. She was always there, and never once let the depression completely consume me.

She was hero in disguise as a my mother.

After I felt like I had calmed down to a hiccup, I pulled away. Mother grasped my face wiping the tears away. I smiled weakly at her.

"I'm trying, but I just want to make them proud." I shut my eyes tightly, forcing the tears back.

"You think they are proud of me?" I sniffled. I really need to get my act together.

"I know they're proud because you know what?,' I shook my head. "I'm proud."

Words couldn't explain the amount of love I felt for her right then and there. So instead I hugged her with all my might, and she yelped for me to let her go. I laughed, releasing her from my grip. She walked to the door but I had to tell her, since I don't tell her often.

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