How could he...

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"Deserve what?" I said I could feel the air get thicker "Y/N, Alec did something... with me" he said on the verge of tears "What do you mean?" I asked without really knowing if I wanted the answer "before I say anything how long have you two been together?" he said curiously "We were basically dating for awhile but we confirmed it today" I replied quickly waiting to hear what he would say next "Y/n I'm sorry I wouldn't have done it if I knew" "MAGNUS CAN YOU PLEASE JUST TELL ME!" I begged, was he cheating on me "Alec and I had... sex" he said as a single tear slid down his cheek. I fell to the ground sobbing on my weak knees how could he? and like that, we heard a knock on the door we both shot up and he picked me off the ground "shh" and brought me into a dark closet nearby and I can hear him opening the door Alec's voice following "Hey" then I heard some weird noises and I couldn't quite figure out what was happing, then it hit me, they were kissing. I couldn't hold it in and started to heavily cry again covering my mouth and hoped that Alec wouldn't hear me. Time went as slow as possible and I cried to a point where I was out of tears, I couldn't see my reflection but I could tell that my eyes were puffy it has been awhile and all I could do was stand in that closet and hear both of them moaning finally Alec left and Magnus opened the closet door for me to get out, he looked at me with pure sadness and regret but he knew I was here but he still did it I slapped him across the face and ran out.

I got back to the Institute pale, weak, makeup running down my face, and my hair in a complete mess I sat down on the staircase in front of the Institute and Izzy runs out "Y/N WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU!" she said looking at me worried and I, of course, started crying again she sat down next to me and tried comforting me it kind of worked actually and I explained everything to her "Oh baby, come on lets get you inside" she said helping me up as we got inside I saw Alec coming our way, he was going to say something when Izzy shot as death glear at him and he blacked off.               

The Beginning For Something New - Raphael Santiago X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now