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We were still breathing heavily when we heard slight giggling, we both look at the door with wide eyes then back at each other, we then rushingly put all our clothing on with our hair in a mess and I took a deep breath and opened the door we didn't take long so I was expecting whoever it was to still be there and I was right, I saw a very shocked Izzy and an extremely sad Magnus. Then Izzy burst into laughs and Alec was getting mad her but all I could do was look at Magnus, he was looking at the ground embarrassed, he looked like he was in so much pain and then when he looked up at me he just ran away apologizing, but I just stood there debating to myself if I should go after him to find out what had happened but then I hear snapping and zone back to reality then I hear Izzy giggle and say "Alec, I think your dick put her in a shock" as Alec starts to chase her up and down the hall I just lean against the door frame and smile at them, when Alec finnally cought her he picked her up over his sholder and just then my mind went back to Magnus... Then Jace comes from down the hall screaming "What's goi-" he cut himself off when he was Izzy and Alec and just started to laugh, as soon as he saw me he ran for a hug and of course I start to run in his direction to and soon enough I felt his warm large hands against my back "Ugh, I've missed you so much, we've barely been seeing each other" he said still hugging me "I missed you too" its been long since I felt my brothers warmth even talked to him and I was so happy but It just had to be ruined "Jace, can I speak to you" I feminine voice spoke he turned around to see who it was and it was his dumbass girlfriend that I hated and he let go of me and just put his arm around her "What happend baby?" he said in a worried voice walking away, "UGH HELLO, IM HERE!" I screamed mentally. But then I decided to go check on Magnus and from what people told me he went home, I wonder what had happened to him, what if he still liked Alec?

The Beginning For Something New - Raphael Santiago X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now