Thank you.....

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"Y/N you can see your father once a week after this divorce." I cry running out of the court room "NO!" A loud ringing noise starts to play. I sit up out of breath realizing it was just a nightmare, it was time to get on my bus. I get out of bed getting dressed debating if I should go for comfy, or cute. I went with cute I mean what if I run into a hot guy I don't want him to think I'm a slob. So I put on my white body con dress that shows some cleavage along with  a black leather jacket. My parents drove me to my station, we said our goodbyes, had our group hug and I got on the bus.

It was an 8 hour bus ride a lot of time to think, to much time half way through the bus ride I fell asleep. Next thing I know I was here Brooklyn, New York. I pull out my phone and call my brother asking when he's gonna get here to pick me up. He replied saying that he had to go on a mission and that he couldn't pick me up, but I already knew where the institute was so I went there on my own. There was a short cut I knew and I took that route. As I was walking, I started to sense someone watching me; I start to get nervous and constantly keep looking behind me. Suddenly a bunch of vampires form a circle around me...15 of them. There are to many I can't fight them off on my own I think to my self. They where all getting closer and I'm sure they could sense that I was scared. At that very moment, another male vampire runs in front of me. "leave the shadow hunter alone, NOW!" He screamed. He must have been the leader considering they obeyed him to quickly . "Thank you so much!" I say smiling and in relief "no problem, I'm Raphael" he responds smirking " I'm Y/N" I say as my phone rings "I have to go but again thank you so so much" I replied. It was my brother calling  me...

The Beginning For Something New - Raphael Santiago X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now