You Too...

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Jace called me, He was coming to pick me up but there was a slight problem in my opinion... He brought his girlfriend "Clary" She even sounds like a bitch. I understand he wants me to meet her but come on you haven't seen me in 3 years and the first time you see me again you want her to be there too? When they got here I ran up to him giving the biggest hug. I exhale as I feel his big, muscular arms wrap around me. "I missed you so much," I say pulling myself away "Me too, oh this is Clary, Clary this is Y/N" Jace replies with fear. He was probably afraid that I won't like her, I don't but I have to act like I do for the sake of my brother "Hey" I add with a fake smile shaking her hand.

When we got to the institute I was anxious. I never met these people, what if they don't like me, What if I embarrass Jace? I had the disgusting feeling inside of me, As soon as I walked in the ache went away. He gathered all his friends up to introduce me, "So this is Simon, the Vampire, This is Magnus the High Warlock of Brooklyn, This Isabelle but you can just call her Izzy, And her brother Alec, And everyone this is my sister Y/N" Jace reveals. I shake everyone's hand but when I got to Alec, It got weird but in a good way. We look into each other's eyes, smiling, his hands were so soft, I quickly zone out pulling away from our handshake.

Some time goes by and I was sitting in the room that I was gonna stay in for however long I'm here. Jace quickly rushes into my room "Y/N we have to go on a mission" "And by we you mean you and the others, right?" I look at him confused "One of the men that were supposed to come with us is feeling ill, And we were wondering if you might want to replace him" He asked and I accepted, I've worked at the institute in Toronto and I've had tones of training so I would be fine. I grabbed my Seraph Blade and bow and arrow from my bag. When I got out of my room they all looked at me weird. "You use a Bow and Arrow?" someone asked from behind me. I turn around curiously to see that it was Alec staring at me surprised "Yeah...." I respond. Does he start laughing "What? A Bow and Arrow are very useful on the field" I look at him annoyed, He walks over to the weapons and grabs his bow and arrow "I know" he answered, I was shocked. The rest of the team walks out leaving "I didn't really see you as a bow and arrow guy" I say smiling "I thought I was the only person to use a Bow and Arrow against demons" he replies. We both giggled and caught up with the rest.

The Beginning For Something New - Raphael Santiago X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now