xxix | Holland

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H O L L A N D 

I couldn't keep my mind off of it and how perfect it was going to be. It's in my back pocket after Miles convinced me it would be in better hands. I keep reaching for it, just to make sure it's still there. Rhys looks at me, his eyebrows furrowed and a questioning look in his eyes. I haven't told him what the birthday girl's special present was. I haven't told anyone. 

I couldn't risk the chance that someone let it slip.

Fairy lights are wrapped around the ropes of the boxing rings. Balloons are tied to anything the boys could tie it to. A large banner reads Happy Birthday Madeline and her cake is sitting on the table off to the side. Streamers are wrapped around the punching bags. There's a large table of food and drinks and another for presents.

My uncle comes in through the doors, his arms full of pizza. Jax is behind him. His stack of pizzas cover his eyes and we watch as he lifts his foot higher than necessary to get over the lip through the front door. 

Miles slips through next. He has his head ducked down and his hands in his pockets. When he lifts his head, his eyes meet mine, and he gives me a small smile. I wave him over, the weight of the necklace in my back pocket weighing me down. I can't be responsible for it anymore. 

"Hey," I say as he steps up towards me. I slip my hand into my pocket and dig out the small black jewelry box. He sticks out his hand and I place it in his palm. "She'll love it." 

"I hope so." 

A hand loops around my waist and I'm brought into a familiar chest. I look up at Rhys and he kisses my forehead. He looks away from me and towards Miles, a slight frown taking away his smile. 



I look between the two of them, hoping that we're not going to have to actually use the ring tonight. It didn't take a lot of convincing from the owner to let us have a party here tonight. Especially when it's Andrea who's asking. He's an older man, a retired champion, who doesn't care what happens with his gym as long as it produces good boxers. 

The two boys shake hands. "Look," Rhys says. "Madeline is a friend of mine and a damn good boxer. She doesn't deserve someone who is just going to hurt her. So don't hurt her or I'll hurt you." 

"Trust me, Maddy can do a lot more harm than you could." 

Miles gives me a nod of his head and goes to turn around, but Rhys stops him. "Miles," he says to the tattooed boy. "Listen, I know what happened was hard. I know--" 

"It's okay," he says. "If you hadn't told coach then I wouldn't have quit. That was a tough time and I was young and stupid. I stopped just after that and I haven't gone back. I threw myself into training. I probably won't ever earn that trust back, but I'm clean and I'm going to beat your ass that way." 

Rhys smirks at him, the friendly competiveness showing from the both of them. "We'll see." 

"Two weeks," Miles tells him. 

We watch him walk away from us, his focus only on the pizza and then the soda. I turn towards Rhys, reaching up onto my toes to peck his lips. What was meant as a brief kiss, turned into more as he presses me against his chest and deepens the kiss. A cat call comes from somewhere, sending my cheeks red. I push away from him and duck my head. 

Rhys chuckles from beside me before he bends down to kiss the side of my head. "What did you give Miles earlier?" 

"You'll see." 

People are starting to arrive in groups of two or three. Most of whom I do not recognize. Some of them are boxers from the gym, but most are her friends. They're group together away from us, socializing with only themselves and already making a dent into the bucket of canned pop. 

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