xvi | Holland

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H O L L A N D 

For a few seconds I'm not sure where I am. My head is propped against something hard yet still comfortable. Arms are wrapped around me, keeping me firmly against them, and legs are intertwined with mine. I open my eyes, my face only a fraction from Rhys'. His eyes are still closed and his mouth is open. I can feel the hot air on my face. I wonder whether I've shaved recently as I try to pull my legs from his. He doesn't budge, if anything he pulls me closer. My face is pressed up against his chest and he smells good. Even though I realize he never took a shower after his match yesterday. I probably couldn't say the same about how I smell.

Rhys starts to stir and I immediately close my eyes, although my cheeks betray me. He chuckles, a deep laugh, one that has my insides melting and the butterflies fluttering.

"Good morning." His morning voice is even better. I bury my face back down into his chest. "Did you sleep okay?"

The more he talks the more I want to kiss him. I nod my head against his chest, not trusting myself to look up at him. I might do something I regret. Something he would regret. Something that might ruin what we have going on, which I don't even know what it is.

"So it does help if you sleep next to someone?" I nod my head. "Do you want to sleep some more?"

I shake my head. I want you to stop talking. There's something about this boy in the morning that makes my heart race. I wonder what his lips would feel like on mine, but I'm too afraid to find out.

"Come on," Rhys untangles his legs from mine and takes his arms back. He rolls off the side of the bed, landing on his feet. "My mom always makes pancakes in the morning before she leaves."

I roll over, my cheeks finally calmed down. "And she works with your dad?"

"She does. She's an interior designer, she designs the hotel layout and helps with the bars. Jax's mom does the same thing, although-" Rhys trails off.

"I don't want to over step,"

"Trust me, I don't think you can." He said. "You're too nice."

"I'm really not. You didn't hear me with my mom the other day. I was so mean to her. I was so mean to my dad and my brother."

"Is that why you won't go back?" Rhys sits back down onto the edge of the bed. I look anywhere but his face.

"I don't want to face my mom. She was so mad at me. There's nothing to say that can make it right." I said. Rhys starts to say something but I cut him off. "What's going to happen with Jayme when this whole thing is over?"

"Well, I think Jax's dad is going for sole custody. Since Jax is almost eighteen, he can choose for himself and he wouldn't want to stay with his mom."

"Isn't that going to be rough for his dad?"

"It's going to be tough, but Jayme doesn't really see her mom that much even now. Our parents are always gone but they make sure to make us breakfast every morning and they try to be here before we go to sleep. With Jax and me, she'll be fine and she has Ryan. They're best friends."

"Of course they are." I said. "How is it possible that both of your families would have two children around the exact same time, even with the age gap."

Rhys tenses. His jaw clenches and his back straightens and he stands from the bed and walks towards the door. "You want some pancakes?"

I don't try to get an answer out of him. I know better than that. I stand from the bed and stretch my arms. I walk towards the door, muttering a sorry as I leave his room. Jax is already in the kitchen with Ryan and his mom. There's a large stack of pancakes on the counter as Rhys' mom continues to flip more.

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