xvii | Rhys

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R H Y S 

Holland rushes out of the gym. I call her name but all she does is send a wave in our direction as she leaves. She doesn't even bother to spare us a glance. The girls follow after her, but they don't leave the gym. They stop when the door slams behind Holland.

Madeline and Andrea both have worried looks on their faces.

"What happened?" I ask them. Andrea finds Jax's side, her eyes still on the door that Holland rushed out of just moments before. Madeline's fingers are toying with the tape in her hand before she wraps it around both of her hands.

"She had to go home." She said. "Her parents were looking all over for her. She said they were going to call the cops."

"Why do you two look upset?" Jax asks. "Did something happen?"

"I can't tell you." Andrea said. "We can't tell you."

"And why not?" I step forward. Jaxon angles himself in front of Andrea.

"Man, calm down."

"Is there something wrong with Holland?"

"I'm sorry Rhys. I can't tell you. It's Hollands story to tell you. Even you can respect, can understand that."

My jaw clenched and I turn towards the punching bag. Jaxon says something in Spanish to Andrea. I recognize a swear word but besides that I don't know any Spanish. Just the few choice words Jax would actually teach me. He likes being able to talk to Andrea and know that none of us can understand.

I don't ask anything else about Holland because I do understand. I wouldn't want Jax to tell Holland about my secrets either. I want to hear them from her mouth. I want Holland to tell me what is wrong. I want to know the whole story and not just a retelling.

I know there has to be more than just her parents being worried. She would have just called to tell them that she was alright. She wouldn't have run out of here faster than I've ever seen her move. She's not really one for moving faster than a brisk walk. That thought brings a smile to my face. There has to be something seriously wrong. I know she didn't think she was ready to go home and face her family. Face her mom especially.I hope she's okay.

My fists pound into the blue leather. Jaxon comes and holds the bag for me and doesn't say anything. At least not for the first few seconds.

"You know she's alright." He said. "You heard her, the cops were going to get involved. She didn't have a choice."

I continue punching. I can't help but worry about her. Ive never liked a girl like this before. I've never wanted a girlfriend before, but now that she's here all I want is to spend more and more time with her. It's weird, I don't understand, and she's making me sound like a girl. Aren't girls supposed to be the ones that cling in the relationship. Well that's what I feel like. A girl.

"She would, she will, tell you if something is wrong."

"Will she?" I ask and stop punching. "She didn't even say bye."

"She was in a hurry." He laughed. "You need to calm down. I promise, she'll tell you. But don't be a hypocrite. If she tells you, you better be ready to tell her."

Jax nods at the tattoo on my arm. My fingers find the ink where the name Lily is forever on my arm. It would be stupid to think that she never noticed my tattoos and the name in the middle of them. It was hours, on multiple days, before it was done and I still want to add more. I want to get it extended onto my back.

"Myles told her they meant something and she wants to know."

"He told her that?"

"Yeah." He said. "She recognized him at the meet and wanted to know who he was."

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