thirty six

30 16 0

Madison's POV

I was at home with Katie while Gage was out getting groceries for us, we discussed what we was going to do before the baby arrived which would be to get a bigger place since we decided to allow Katie to live with us...I was three months pregnant with a healthy baby boy which we decided to name him Hunter Wyatt Williams.
My thoughts were soon interrupted by the doorbell being rung...

Madison: hey Katie can you please answer the door.

I watched as she stood up and walked over to the door and quickly opened it up.

Katie: there's some guy standing here, should I let him in?

I walked over to where she was and seen my brother standing there.

Madison: it's okay Katie this is my brother. Come inside Jake....

I moved out of the way then he walked inside while Katie went to finish what she was doing before she opened the door like I asked.

Madison: so what's new Jake?

Jake: not much I thought I would come see how you were doing since I had to come this way to check out a home that's wanting to adopt a child.

Madison: oh well I am fine and I wanted to talk to you about something before you rush off.

Jake: once I get back from where I need to be then we will talk in private.

Madison: okay....see you when you get back

I walked outside with him and seen Gage pulling up in the driveway then got out of car.

Gage: hey babe and Jake...whats going on?

Madison: oh nothing, he was just coming to check on me since he was in the area, I want to talk to you Gage.

Gage: okay, let me take this inside and we will talk baby.

Jake: see you in a few Madison.

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