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Madison's POV

Several months had passed since Gage asked me to be his girlfriend and I couldn't be happier than I am now, that was until my ex boyfriend Tyler decided to ruin what I had going with him...I was at the arena waiting for Alexa outside of her locker room, she finally walked out and that was when Tyler walked up behind me, turned me around and started kissing me, Alexa seen the whole thing but I got worried when I seen Gage come from around the corner and seen Tyler with his mouth planted on mine.

Gage: are you serious right now?

Madison: wait Gage it isn't what you think, let me explain please

Gage: there is nothing to explain Maddie, I think it's best if we don't see each other anymore after tonight.

Madison: no Gage please don't say that...I love you!

He didn't say anything else as I seen him get in a taxi that was outside the arena and the driver quickly drove away with me still standing there, I seen Alexa walking over to me with Tyler following close behind her.

Madison: get the hell away from me Tyler!

Tyler: Madison do you honestly think you and him would be together? He would never make you feel the way you felt when me and you were together.

Madison: I hate you and because of you I lost a great guy so don't talk to me about feelings or being happy...

I got in my car and drove off after Alexa got in next to me and headed to the hotel.

Alexa: I'm sorry for what happened...I hope you and Gage work everything out and get back together soon Maddie, just give him some space...

I didn't say anything as I headed to my room alone since I was almost on the opposite side of the hotel as her, I walked in the room and put my things on the floor near the closet and fell on the bed and started crying my eyes out...I sent my sister a text explaining that I would be leaving early in the morning and heading back home which she told me that she would get a ride from her friend Nia. I fell asleep from crying so much, the morning came quick and I put my things in the car and begun to drive home, I was so glad that I had my own place, sure I stayed with Alexa almost all the time but that was only when I was in town...I was going to return back to my home in Indiana, I had to make one more stop before I begun the long drive there and set things right with Gage and his friends first which was going to be hard but I knew that it needed to be done. I pulled up in the driveway and got out, I heard them playing as I stood outside the door then heard Andy asking Gage where I was at...I opened the door and seen Andy walk up to me and gave me a hug before noticing that I was upset...

Madison: can I talk to you alone Andy?

Andy: two take a break and I will be right back.

I explained what happened between me and Gage and I told him that I was going back to Indiana, I could tell that he was a bit angry but tried to hide it.

Andy: take care of yourself Maddie and don't forget to keep in touch with me, don't you worry about Gage if he still loves you like I think he does than he will work things out with you.

I gave him one last hug and walked away from him then got back in my car and quickly drove away as I made the long trip back to my home state.

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