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Madison's POV

After I finished texting Alexa I put my phone back in my pocket and continued hanging out with Gage, I was enjoying his company and to be honest I didn't want this to be the last time we hung out with each other, I knew it would cause trouble with me and Tyler but I didn't care at this point because he wasn't as sweet as he was when we first started dating and I'm not sure what changed him but I didn't like the new Tyler at all. I walked back over to where I left Gage sitting at so I could talk to my sister in private and also think for a minute.

Gage: there you are, I was beginning to think that you may have left.

Madison: and not finish enjoying this view? I wouldn't leave without letting you know first...I was just talking to my sister about something that's all.

Gage: well it's good to know that you wouldn't leave without saying goodbye, I'm actually enjoying your company.

Madison: same here, its actually nice knowing that I can hang out with a guy and not have an issue with anything, especially like the way my boyfriend does...I don't remember the last time we actually did something like this, he used to be so romantic.

Gage: I seen the way he was acting that day your sister asked if I could hide you two, I wanted to walk over to you and make sure that you were okay and I hate to pry but why are you with him if he treats you so wrong?

Madison: I ask myself that every time I hear his name and I guess it's cause a part of me still loves him but that's slowly going away little by little now.

Gage: you definitely deserve to be treated better, there is a guy out there who will love you the right way and show you just how beautiful you really are.

Madison: I know that, I just need to let go of a bad thing first before I get the chance to know what a great thing feels like and I hope I find the great things in life soon cause I don't want to wait for it very long.

I smiled and looked down for a minute before I looked at him, we was sitting on a blanket while we waited for the sun to come up, I heard my phone beep but ignored it because I wanted to enjoy what little time I had left with Gage because I may never see him again after this was over.

Madison: I really enjoyed this Gage and thank you for everything you did for me.

Gage: Don't mention it, I didn't mind helping you out Madison and I will do it all over again if it meant we could hang out one more time. Can I see you again?

Madison: of course you can, I will always look forward to us hanging out together. I had fun tonight with you.

Gage: I'm glad you had fun Madison and I can't wait to hang out again.

Madison: I guess this is goodbye for now?

Gage: only for right now until we meet again

Madison: here's my number, you can call or text me anytime you want to.

Gage: I will definitely be saving it in my contacts and here is my number as well, I can't wait to hear from you.

I gave him a hug before he walked away from me and I watched as he got in his truck and drove away while I stood in the same spot then I felt someone tap me on my shoulder and I seen my sister standing there when I turned around.

Alexa: hey Maddie are you ready to go?

Madison: yeah...

Alexa: hey did you get a new hoodie?

Madison: oh shoot! I forgot to give it back to him before he left...

Alexa: wow this is great! I wonder what your boyfriend is going to think once he finds out that you stayed with another guy all night long and you're wearing his hoodie too, Nice Maddie!

Madison: at this point I really don't care what Tyler has to say or if we ever speak to each other ever again.

Alexa: I like this new you so what are you going to tell Tyler anyways Maddie?

Madison: I don't know at this point.

Alexa: well you need to decide because you can't keep dating Tyler and see the drummer guy at the same time, it's not going to look good when your photo gets taken by a photographer working for a magazine company Madison.

Madison: I know that Lexi, I just need to think about what I want and Tyler only cares about the way he looks, I don't even think he feels the same way about me anymore like he used to...

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