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Gage's POV

I rushed home as soon as I left the hotel after speaking with Alexa, I packed a few clothes in a bag then headed out the door. I had to fix things between me and Maddie before it was too late, I knew what I did was wrong and that I should have known that jerk ex of hers would have done something like that, I got in my truck and started driving towards Indiana to search for her, it was going to be a long drive but it was worth every mile. I finally got there and found her place, I got out of the truck and walked to the door and rung the doorbell as I waited patiently for Maddie to answer but was a bit shocked when I seen a guy answer the door.

Gage: is Madison here?

He looked at me and smiled as he moved out of the way then allowed me to walk inside I seen her sitting there with two females who was holding her close while I heard her soft sobs, I knew her crying had to be my fault but I was here now and I wasn't going to let her go through that anymore.

Gage: Maddie can we talk?

I seen her stand up then turned around slowly, her eyes were puffy from crying but I didn't care because I needed her to know that I still love her.

Madison: Britt, Becca...can you leave me and him alone please?

They got up and walked in the other room while me and her walked outside and talked in private.

Madison: first off how did you get my address Gage?

Gage: I got it from your sister, she told me what happened between you and your ex and how he forced the kiss on you Maddie, she said she saw the whole thing and here I am...

Madison: I should have known that...

Gage: I am sorry for the way I acted Maddie and I just wanted to tell you that I still love you, nothing is going to change the way I feel about you babe.

Madison: I forgive you Gage and you broke my heart after you left like that. I thought that you would never talk to me again...

Gage: I should've let you explain what happened but I was furious and didn't want to hear anything about it...

Madison: you're the only man that I'm in love with Gage and I don't want to be with anyone else but you...

Gage: I don't want anyone else but you either Maddie....

Madison: I love you Gage.

I heard her sobbing softly after she said that, I walked up to her and held her close to me while she cried...

Gage: I love you too Madison.

She looked up at me and smiled as I wiped her tears from her eyes the gave her a kiss while I still had my hands on her face then felt her pull away after hearing her friends telling us to get a room which made her laugh as she rested her head back on my chest, I could tell she was blushing just by the way she hid her face...I was glad that we worked things out because I don't want to lose her, she was the only girl that I needed and I didn't want to be without her again.

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