Chapter 33. Vampire's Childhood

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Chapter 33

''Forgetting everything, wanting the two of us to go on together

It's not for just anyone, but for your sake,

Wanting to tell you now that I love you,

This feeling from deep within my heart

Believing that someday, it'll surely come true''

The wind blew softly against my skin, my body shivering from the cold. Goosebumps rose their way up my arms, and my eyes slowly fluttered open.

I stared up at a beautiful deep blue sky, a coat of clouds hiding the sun from view. The wind blew again, and a few leaves fluttered above me. Did I sleepwalk again? I tried to figure out what was going on while pushing myself up with my elbows.

I looked around, seeing trees and bushes. This place looked familiar, I realized as I crawled onto my feet. I couldn't hear anything but the rustling tree branches and a few birds chirping. I spun around in a circle before stopping midway. Behind me, there was the mansion not too far away, and I could make out the fountain.

So, I sleep walked my way outside? Didn't anyone notice me?

Or was I having a vision? But then why could I walk around? I was never able to do that before. I took hold of my arm and pinched myself, pulling a face when a jolt of pain went through me. So, I definitely wasn't dreaming. What was going on then?

I slowly walked through the garden, looking around for any possible sign of life. They were probably sleeping since it was broad daylight. Wouldn't that gate keeper be around or something though?

Suddenly I heard laughter coming from a distance. I spun around into the direction of the sound, hearing two voices laughing. I rushed over to the direction of the canopy, hoping I would find someone I knew.

I halted my steps when I saw two boys swinging with sticks at each other, both laughing cheerfully. The boys looked like they were around ten or eleven, and the way they were slashing their sticks together made it clear they were having a sword fight with each other.

''En garde!'' the boy with the black hair exclaimed. He pushed his stick sword forward to the hazel haired boy, who quickly dodged it.

The hazel haired boy grinned smugly. ''Too slow.''

Where did these boys come from? Did they find a hole somewhere near the gate? Did they not know people lived in this house?

''Are you lost there, boys?'' I asked and slowly walked towards them. I expected them to jump up and run off. They didn't answer me, however. In fact, they did not even move. It was like they hadn't heard me at all. They kept on playing with each other, and I frowned in confusion.

I thought I had spoken up pretty loudly. I approached the boys.

''Excuse me,'' I said when I reached them. Again, they didn't respond to anything I was saying, they didn't even look up at me. I felt completely invisible.

''Prepare to be brought down, Edward!'' the black-haired boy cried out, and my eyes widened in shock. Did he just say... Edward?

I leaned in closer and bent forward resting my hands on my knees so I was on eye level with the boys. I observed them and realized they looked frighteningly familiar. In a flash, I remembered the photograph of the three little boys I found on the mantelpiece when I arrived here. So, these boys were...

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