Chapter 12. Benjamin's Aid

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Chapter 12

''Bitter cold crawls through my veins
As the life from my body drains
My heart finally stills as the last drop spills
While my body starts the change''

''Sweet dreams, princess.''

I woke up with a gasp, my eyes opening wide. I panicked and sat up looking around. Everything was dark except for a lit oil lamp on the dresser table.

What... happened?

I hissed when a burning pain shot through my neck, and I placed my hand over it. I frowned when I felt something soft... a bandage patch?

''You're finally awake.''

I gasped when I heard a voice, and squinted my eyes. I saw a shadow near the oil lamp, but couldn't make out who it was until she lit the other lamps in my room.


She smiled at me. ''I'm glad,'' she said, picking up a tray with tea from the dresser table and walking over to the bed. ''I was afraid you'd miss school.''

I frowned at her while she handed me a cup of tea. ''School...? Wha- How long was I out?'' My eyes widened at the hoarseness of my own voice.

There was a beat until she answered. ''Two days.''

My eyes went wide. ''Two days!?'' I repeated, and then the images of what happened the other night flashed through me.

Benjamin bit me... he actually bit me. I shivered at the memory, feeling disgusted. After he bit me I fainted in his arms from too much blood loss. What I hated most about myself was the weird feeling I got when he caught me.

''God, no...'' I muttered, pressing a hand against my forehead. ''So, it's Monday night now?''

Elizabeth nodded. ''Yes, the sirs are getting ready for school as we speak. Dominic told me to wake you up or he'd come himself.''

My pulse immediately accelerated with anxiety. ''Does he know what happened?''

She shook her head. ''No, he just thinks you broke your sleeping pattern by going out during the day.''

I nodded slowly, taking a sip from my tea before realizing something. ''How come you know?''

She gave a small smile. ''Benjamin told me so I could take care of you, but he made me promise not to tell the others.''

I frowned, remembering something he mentioned before he bit me. ''There was something about this promise...?''

Elizabeth creased her eyebrows, then shook her head. ''It must be something between the three of them, I have no clue what it's about.''

I nodded, staring down at my tea. I wondered what this promise was about...

''I don't want to rush you while you're not feeling well, but please finish your tea quickly and get ready for school, or master Dominic will get mad.''

I looked up at her and hummed. ''Okay. Thanks for taking care of me.''

She gave me a soft smile. ''Don't mention it,'' she said before leaving the room.

I took another sip of the cup. I didn't want to go to school like this, but if I didn't go it would look suspicious, and I didn't want Dominic to find out. Sure, he'd get mad at me, but... I didn't want to experience another fight between him and Benjamin.

I took a deep breath and quickly finished my tea before getting dressed. I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth but stopped when I saw myself in the mirror.

Poisoned CrimsonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora