Chapter 8. Lingering Feelings & Roses

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Chapter 8

''Good night to you, lovely lady

Your soul will know no peace

You are damned forever after

You'll never find release''

I couldn't sleep. It was almost dawn, and I tried to go to sleep. But with Elizabeth's words lingering on in my head, I was wide awake.

The headache was replaced by an ache of my confused thoughts as I laid on the bed staring at the teacup on my bedside table. A thin ray of sunlight was trying to squeeze itself through the small gap in the curtains, and everything was quiet. The others probably went to sleep, I thought. I felt very tired as well, exhausted actually, but I couldn't close one eye.

 What did Elizabeth mean? Evangeline has returned? But that diary was from a century and a half ago, she couldn't just have risen from the dead, could she? Or did she become a vampire?

I pressed a hand against my throbbing temple, wishing desperately I knew the answers. I wanted to ask Elizabeth more, but I was certain she would be too afraid to say anything else. Asking one of the Parker brothers was no option either. Eve was definitely a sensitive nerve, that much I could understand.

My eyes drifted off to the drawer, and with a sigh I took the key from under my pillow and unlocked the it, revealing Eve's diary. There was no way I was going to sleep anytime soon, so if I wanted answers I had to keep reading this.

I reached my hand out and took out the diary, shifting on my back and opening it. I skipped the first fragment and went on to the second.

I started to read.

''June 26th, 1863 – Dear diary.

A fortnight has gone by since my arrival at the Parker residence. Surprisingly, everything has been going quite... well. I was shocked to see my mother leaving so abruptly after the first week. She kept kissing and hugging me repeatedly, telling me she had important business in the city, and that her return would be soon enough. This matter confused me, though I think this is merely an excuse to give me more time alone with the brothers. They have proven to be a very tolerable family, and I must admit I have never felt more like home.

I have never imagined I would admit this, but I have taken a peculiar liking to the eldest carrying the name of Dominic. Even after a few days – and a few conversations – we started acting like we have known each other for years. Of course, I have that with Edward and Benjamin as well, but with Dominic... It is different.

I remember yesterday when we were playing in the garden.''

After my eyes went over that sentence a pang shot through my head, and I frowned. I was again experiencing one of Eve's memories, this one a little more painful than the last one.


June 26th, 1863

''Tag, you are it!'' I laughed as I tapped Benjamin on the shoulder and ran off hopping – with difficulty – over a bush. After numerous days of pouring rain, the weather had finally turned pleasant enough. Although the sky was grey with clouds - the aftermath of all the rain - I was more than thrilled when I heard we were going outside in the garden.

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