Chapter 27. Return of the Devil

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Chapter 27

''A finely sharpened silver knife

Plunging it deep into the base of your throat, I smile

With this selfish passion,

My heart was split in ten.''

Stupid, stupid Sarah!

I screamed into the pillow, angry at myself. When I couldn't breathe anymore, I turned around so I was lying on my back, staring at the ceiling.

Why did I kiss him back?

I thought back to when he dipped my head, his eyes confused yet urgent. My skin was burning underneath his. I could feel the coolness of his palms on my cheeks. I could smell his minty breath, I could smell him. I still remembered the scent vividly; it was warm, fresh, rustic and Benjamin. When I thought of his lips caressing mine, they started to tingle.

I groaned, running my hands across my face.

''No, no I can't think about him,'' I murmured into my hands.

This wasn't supposed to happen. He never should've kissed me. If he hadn't, I still could've managed to escape somehow. But now...

I thought of the look on his face when I admired his artwork, of the sketch he made of me.

I didn't want to leave him.

I had to leave him. I had to get out of here and find my dad.

Those gorgeous eyes of his, though...

God, why the hell did he have to kiss me! I'm supposed to hate him for Pete's sake! I have to think of that arrogant smirk on his face, the devilish glint in his eyes. Instead, I thought of his lopsided grin and the softness in his blue orbs.

I froze when I heard a knock on the door, my heart rate quickening. Was it him? There was no way I'd be able to face him now. Or was it Dominic? I hated that thought even more; I still felt guilty for some reason, afraid of him finding out what happened.

''Miss, are you alright?'' Elizabeth's voice came from the other side of the door, and I sighed heavily with relief.

''I'm fine, Elizabeth. Thanks,'' I said sitting up.

I saw the doorknob turn and the door open. Her head peeked inside, looking at me worriedly. ''You look terrible.''

Her statement was so blunt I had to laugh. I shook my head, groaning. ''Yeah, I do.''

I looked up at her. ''Hey, can I talk to you about something?''

I had to let this out on someone, and I knew I could trust Elizabeth. She tilted her head, before stepping into the room and closing the door behind her. ''Of course! You can tell me anything.''

I smiled and patted the bed next to me. ''Please, sit, because this is going to take a while.''

She seemed hesitant at first but eventually sat down next to me. ''Okay, spill the beans.''

I chuckled. I really liked Elizabeth, probably because she was so awkward. Apart from Beth, she was the closest thing I had to a friend. I turned so I was facing her, and took a deep breath.

''Benjamin kissed me.''

I thought for a second she was going to faint. Her eyes nearly popped out of her sockets, and she covered her mouth with her hands. ''What!?''

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