Chapter 9. Mysterious Pencil Strokes

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Chapter 9

''All I drank was the blood

Feeling like the lush taste of brandy

And the dry rasp of whiskey

I wanted what ran your heart

To run mine.''

As soon as I entered the school building I shook the rain droplets out of my hair. I was right; it started to rain as soon as Dominic left my room, and it had kept pouring the entire day, even now in the dead of the night. 

It was a short sprint from the car to the school, but I still got a little wet. I moved aside in the hallway so I wouldn't bother other students, and looked outside at Edward and Benjamin who were walking incredibly slow compared to the other sprinting students. Benjamin because he hated school, and Edward because he couldn't care less about getting wet.

Benjamin entered the building, all students visibly backing away from him. All except for me. He passed me, a moment which seemed to happen in slow motion. His icy blue eyes narrowed at me, a scowl forming on his face. So, he was still mad at me, huh?

Well, I wouldn't let him win.

I crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes as well, glaring right back at him. Everyone else was staring at us in curiosity, expectancy, and even fear. Apart from his brothers, I was probably the only one who dared to challenge him. I had to admit I was a little afraid myself, the thought of him sinking his teeth into my skin at any moment crossing my mind. Even so, he was still a person, not an animal.

Who knew how long we were glaring at each other, until he scoffed and looked away, continuing down the hall. Students gawked at him, and then at me, causing me to lower my head. I've never really liked to be the centre of attention.

''What was that all about?''

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to look at Beth, who was raising an eyebrow in curiosity. Just as she came, Edward entered the building, slouched and completely drenched.

''Guess he's still pissed, huh?'' I asked him, making him falter in his tracks to look at me. His eyes shot towards Beth, then back at me. He shrugged.

''It's Benjamin, don't expect anything else from him. He'll cool off eventually.''

I arched an eyebrow, regarding him sceptically. ''That's what you said yesterday.''

He stared back at me with a gloomy frown, before shrugging again. I somehow couldn't accept that silent answer. ''That is exactly what you said yesterday, Edward.''

From the look on his face, I guessed he would've attacked me if it weren't for Beth standing next to me, who was eyeing us curiously. He closed his eyes, his jaw clenching and unclenching. He then looked at me again, green eyes piercing.

''He needs more than a day to cool off, just don't provoke him.''

I tried not to flinch at his intense stare. ''And how long does it usually take for him to cool off?''

He shrugged again. I was starting to get fed up by his shrugs. ''Depends on the situation. The angrier he gets, the longer it takes for him to calm down.''

And with that, he looked away as if I was switched off, and continued walking. I was about to turn back to Beth when he called after me.

''Oh, and Sarah? Don't try to run off again. It's annoying.''

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