Chapter 22: Love

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*Please read author's note at the end*

Chapter 22


After school I asked Camille to pick me up from school. She was waiting out front for me as I walked through the doors. I trot down the steps and get in the passenger's seat and toss my book bag into the back seat.

She looks at me, "So what's up?"

My eyes travel to Louis who was with Harry and Niall at his car, "I kissed him."

"Cole?" She asks with a raised eyebrow.

To my right I see Cole helping set things up for a charity drive at the school tonight, "No."

She pulls off, "Please don't tell me you're talking about who I'm thinking about."


"Louis? Seriously?" she says turning on her blinker turning out of the school parking lot.

I sigh and turn to look at her, "Yes."

Camille shakes her head, "I didn't think you had it in you."

I glare at her and hit her arm, "What is that supposed to mean?!"

She smirks and says, "Hate to break it to you, but you're kind of a good girl."

I gasp, "Am not!"

Camille laughs, "Are so."

"I just made out with a guy in a janitor's closet! I'm pretty sure good girls don't do that!"

She chokes on the drink she had just taken a sip of, "Excuse you. One: you never said you made out. Two: in a janitor's closet. You got to give me all the details, damn."

"The rest of the boys know." I say biting my lip.

Camille stops at the red light, "How do you know? Are you sure?"

I sigh and nod, "I'm sure."

The light turns green "Well, I suggest you take care of that."


She smirks and glances at me before focusing back on the road, "You're not a good girl, apparently. I'm sure you'll think of something."

"Camille..." I say and roll my eyes.

She throws her head back in laughter as we pull into my driveway, "What?"

I gesture for her to follow me in, "You know what!"

Camille shuts her car door, "I have no idea what you're talking about..."

Shaking my head we walk through the front door to find all the boys in the living room watching TV. They all shout their greetings as we make our way to the kitchen per Camille's request. She is sorting through the pantry when she says quietly, "So what about Cole now?

I turn to the living room when I hear Louis's familiar laughter, "I don't know."

"What about Harry?"

"I don't know."


"I know he's a good kisser... I think." I say with a frown.

Camille grabs a bag of chips, some crackers, and cheese before heading back to my room with mein tow. We sprawl out on my bed and I sigh, "I don't get it."

"What?" Camille questions with a mouthful of chips.

"Why they like me. I don't get it. I'm just me. I'm just Mary. Nothing special. I'm just awkward and clumsy and I always manage to mess things up. I'm always just the tag along with everyone else and even with my new makeover I'm not model material by far. I don't get what is so special about me. I'm terrified I'm going to screw everything up and no one will like me. Some times I pretend I don't care what people think, but I do, Camille. I really, really do. I don't have a whole lot in my life and I know I have a hell of a lot more than most but more than anything I just want to have someone love me. Not just for sex of status or whatever else. But I want the pure kind of love. The kind deep down even the hardest people dream of. I know it's naive and childish but that's how I feel. Then I stop and think even if that kind if love really and truely exists what have I done to deserve it."

Camille stops eating and looks at me, "No one deserves it. That's the point. If love waited around for someone perfect it wouldn't exist. When you love someone their flaws become what you love about them." Camille smiles longingly, "Drew for instence: he thinks he isn't buff enough. If he were any wider I would be able to wrap my arms around him all the way so I could engulf him in a hug. He thinks he's too tall. He's just tall enough that it he can rest his chin on top of my head and makes me feel safe. He thinks he isn't organized. Our meeting and some of our very best stories together have resulted from his disorganization. He hates his laugh. To me it is the most beautiful sound I've ever heard and it fills me with so much happiness I can't help but laught, too. Mary, you see it doesn't make a difference. If someone truely loves you they will accept all those things. If you're at a loss for words they'll make up for them. If you trip they'll catch you. If you mess things up they'll fix them. You won't be their tag along. You will be... them." She smiles clearly thinking of Drew the clears her throat, "I think you should give Cole a shot. Louis is the only guy you have ever truly liked. You need to see what else is out there. You need to see if what you feel for him is truely love or just the idea of love."


Guys, I am so sorry for not updating. Let's see... I've had to go through finals and I finished my freshman year with a 4.0 GPA, I've dated a football player who ditched me for another girl only to come back to me when they were over, I promptly turned him down and told him I was nobody's second choice, I'm now dating a 17 year old who is now a senior and is super sweet and cute and kind and smart and funny and we aren't official yet so that sucks, my dad is about to deploy to a top secret location in July for a whole year that he can't talk to me about, I raised enough money to fly one if my very best friends down here in July, I've been babysitting 4 days a week every week for the whole summer, I've been throwing and going to parties, and (of course) City if Heavenly Fire came out. You can see why I've been busy! As of July 1st I would have been here a year. The friends I've made I'm keeping. I've really come out of my shell and in the darkest times writing has helped me through it. All if your comments have made me take so much pride in what I do. I'm done with moving. I have a home now. I am truly happy. I have you all to thank for helping me get to where I am and I just wanted you all to know that.

Please don't forget to comment or about the contest I posted yesterday! The first five to comment get to know what happens next chapter and the first will have the next chapter dedicated to them, also.

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