Chapter 3: "Promise?" "Promise."

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Chapter 3

"Promise?" "Promise."

I roll over in bed and look at the clock.


I sigh and sit up in bed and look around my room. I get up and open my desk drawer and pull out my diary. I scribble my pink pen on the back of my most recent page to get the ink going. I begin writing:

Entry 23

I don't think I can take it anymore. I like Louis SO much! I think he knows it too. But today I found out Harry has a rule that doesn't allow any of the boys to go out with me! Can you believe that?! So, I haven't talked to him since. I know he has good intentions but I mean come on! He's gonna need to accept that at some point I can take care of myself. He also forgot me at school today. He's so protective over me, yet he forgets me at school. Really? Really?

I'm just kind of mad at him right now and I don't really know what to do. I just need a friend... Oh wait! I'm a nerd and if someone was to hang out with me it would mean social suicide. Jessica and her followers would make sure of that. Harry doesn't even know about them. If he did he would probably completely embarrass me and that's the last thing I need right now. I don't know what to do. Maybe I should change a little... But that was how it all started with Harry. One little thing led to another and now he is known as the trouble maker of the town. I actually want to make something of myself you know? Maybe I should go out a little more. Who would I go with? If I went alone I would look pretty pathetic. The only person I'm really close to is Harry, but it's not like I can hang out with him and his friends. I'm just his annoying "little" sister. He always calls me his little sister, but he's only older by two minutes! TWO MINUTES! Maybe that's all Louis sees me as. His best friend's little sister.

Maybe... Just maybe I'm not, though.


I close my diary and slip it back into my desk drawer. Wiping the sleep out of my eyes I walk over to the window. It was dark out so I couldn't see anything. I tip toe out to the living room and grab a yogurt from the fridge. I shut the door and I see a shadow looming over me. I begin to scream but it was muffled by someone's hand. I squirm and stomp on their foot as hard as I can. They curse under their breath and clutch their foot. I flip the light on and see Louis standing there hopping on one foot in his pajamas. Shirtless I might add.

He glares at me, "It's just me."

I return the look, "Don't do that! You scared me!"

He chuckles, "I noticed."

I blush and look down. He grabs some chips out of the pantry, "Why are you up this early?"

I give a cautious look, "I could ask you the same thing."

He pops a chip in his mouth and rolls his eyes, "Somebody woke me up."

I tilt my head slightly to the side, "Who? Harry?"

He laughs, "For the valedictorian I would think you would be smarter. No, you."

I give a nervous laugh, "Oh, sorry."

He eats another chip, "Its fine."

I awkwardly point to the living room, "I-I'm just gonna go- yeah..."

With that I hurry out and sit on the couch. I grab a pillow and put my face in it.

I am such an idiot sometimes. His abs though!

I grab the remote and flip through the channels and land on Friends. Louis walks in and sits beside me, "So, what are you watching? Friends? I love this show!"

I hide my smile, "Really?"

He nods with a mouth full of chips, "Yeah." He accidentally spits out some chips.

I laugh, "That's attractive."

He shoves more chips in his mouth, "Babe, you know you love it."

My cheeks heat up and I look away from him. We sit there in silence for a few minutes when Louis speaks, "Um, is Jessica usually like that to you?"

I look down at my hands and quickly nod.

"How long has it been going on?"

I shrug fighting back tears.

He bends down to look at my face, "You can tell me."

I shake my head, "No, you'll tell Harry."

His brow furrows, "Why don't you want Harry to know?"

I roll my eyes, "Louis, I am already an outcast. The last thing I need is for Harry to make a big deal about this and embarrass me."

He is silent for a moment, "Fair enough. I won't tell him."

I look up at him, "Really?"

He nods, "Really."

I search his face for any signs of him lying, "Promise?"

He flashes me a smile, "I promise."

I look back down at my hands, "Since middle school."

"That long?" I can hear the surprise in his voice.

I just nod and look back at the TV.

We continue to watch the TV and this time I break the silence, "Louis, why doesn't anyone like me?"

He looks at me, "What are you talking about?"

I sigh, "You know... I don't really have any friends. Everyone knows it, Louis, so don't try making me feel better about myself."

He thinks for a moment, "You're really uptight."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't really ever see you have fun. I mean, 'fun' as in actually going out do something. Whenever I'm over you are usually in your room studying. And I'm over a lot." He gives a small laugh.

I think about it for a minute and Louis says, "I didn't offend you, did I?"

I slowly shake my head, "No, you are right." I smile and stand up. I begin to walk off but I turn back around and say, "Thank you, Louis."

He gives me a genuine smile, "Any time, Mary."

With that I head back to my room.

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