Chapter 11: The Makeover

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Chapter 11

Louis is driving me home from school since Harry had detention... again. He drives in silence until he says, "So when will you be able to tutor me again?"

I shrug examining the stuff under my nails, "Whenever, I don't have anything else going on."

I mentally facepalm. Good job, Mary. Could you make yourself seem like even more of a loser?

"Isn't tomorrow your and Harry's birthday?" he says with his eyes on the road.

I sit up straighter, "Oh crap! I totally forgot! What am I going to get him? I have to plan! Where will we have it? I have to make a cake! Ugh! I don't even think I'll have time! I'm going to have to buy some stupid cake from Wal-mart or something! Do we even have wrapping paper? I need streamers, plates, banners, and food! How am I going to get the word out this late?"

He laughs, "Woah there, Mary, you okay?"

I give him a baffled look, "Okay?! Am I okay?! I have so much to do! It's my birthday and I've been so busy with school that I completely forgot! Not to mention Harry and I are completely different so that makes it even harder!"

He turns right, "Calm down, we'll think of something."

We? Did he just say 'we'? I think he did. Was he talking about 'we' as in him and one of the guys or 'we' as in me and him?

I throw my arms up, "Well, we better think fast! Tomorrow is Friday! And I-"

"Mary?" He says looking at me.

"What?!" I say freaking out.

"You're turning 18, right?"

I nod quickly, "Yes, so that means it has to be bigger than ev-"

"I'll do it."

I blink and look at him, "Wait what?"

He smirks, "I said, 'I'll do it'. The boys and I will do it. It's your 18th birthday. You shouldn't have to plan and throw your own birthday party."

"But I do every year."

He smiles, "Well, this year you are going to be a legal adult. Turning 18 is big. You shouldn't have to do it all."


Louis shakes his head, "Nope. No 'buts'. It is settled. I will throw your 18th birthday party for you and Harry."


I'm laying in bed that night when my phone buzzes and I see it is a text from Camille. I unlock it and read the text: So I heard about your party. What's your glasses perscription?

I shake my head and text back: 2.00 Why?

I quickly get a reply: your birthday present ;)

Oh boy, this is going to be an intresting birthday.


The next day at school goes by quickly. I walk to my locker and see Drew leaning against it, "Hey."

He looks up from his phone, "Oh, hey. Camille told me to pick you up."

I pull a few books from my locker, "Okay well I have homework and I kind of need to d-"

Drew takes the book I was holding and tosses it behind him, "Nope, no homework today."

I look at my book on the ground behind him ,"I still kind of need that, though."

"Oh right, sorry."

He hands me the book, "No it's fine."

He nods his head, "It was supposed be be a symbolic thing..."

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