Chapter 21: They Know

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Chapter 21
They Know

I woke up before my alarm the next morning. I just lay in bed while I watch the sun's first rays creep through my blinds. When my clock hit 6 o'clock I rolled out of the warm embrace my covers provided. I take a shower and put on my make-up then change into my clothes. There was a knock on my door as I struggle to zip the back of my dress.
"Come in." I grunt as my hands bend and stretch to get the zipper unhooked.
Louis pokes his head in, "Breakfast is ready."
I glance over to him, "You spent the night again?"
He nods and leans on my door frame, "Parents are gone and it's boring all by myself." I hiss when I cut my finger as my hand slips from the zipper.
"Need help?" Louis offers.
I let out an exasperated breath and give my reflection a defeated look, "Yes."
Louis strolls across my room and I turn my bare back to him. I sweep my hair to the side as he grabs hold of my dress, slipping his hand inside. I quickly turn around and pull away from him with an icy glare, "Watch it."
Louis rolls his eyes, "I wasn't going to try anything. You have a cheap zipper and it is hooked on the dress. Now turn back around."
My face heats up and I turn back around before he can see. His hand grabs my waist and I take in a sharp breath. the zipper comes undone and I feel his hot hands run along my bare skin as he eases the zipper up my back. I turn back around and whisper, "Thanks." Then make a hasty exit. When I get to the table I sit beside Harry and put eggs bacon and a waffle on my plate.
"What took so long?" Harry asks with a full mouth.
I shrug and take a bite of my waffle, "I was in the bathroom." Louis sits across from me and we glance at each other.
Harry notices and points at us with his fork, "What is this? What is going on here?"
"Nothing." I say too quickly.
Harry drops his fork with a loud clang and clenches his jaw, "What is going on betw-"
"We're worried about you." Louis says nudging me.
"We are." I say giving a solid nod.
Harry rolls his eyes, "You have got to be kidding me."
I shake my head, "I kid you not."
Harry sighs, "Why are you worried?"
"Skipping more than usual." Louis points out.
"I've noticed." I say backing him up.
"Not coming home until late."
"He's right."
"Forgetting Mary."
"Don't get me started."
"Your grades dropping."
"Yea- Wait, what? Excuse me, what is this about your grades dropping?" I say giving Harry a hard stare.
Harry glares at Louis, "Nothing, Mary."
I scoff, "Excuse me? Did I hear you correctly? 'Nothing'? Oh- oh, really? Nothing? Why don't you put 'nothing' on your college application? I'm sure they'll love that! Nothing is what you'll be making when you graduate! So why don't you take that 'nothing' and shove it up your-"
"Mary!" Louis yells with wide eyes.
"Oh, don't you 'Mary' me!" I turn directing my anger at Louis.
"Calm down, Mary, please." Harry says slumping back in his chair.
"No! How did I not know about this?" I yell throwing my hands up.
"Because of this." Harry mutters.
"Well, sorry I'm apparently the only one who cares about your future!"
"Hey!" Louis says defensively.
"Oh, you zip it! I don't want to hear a word from you!"
"I was the one who brought it to your attention, I will have you know." Louis says pointing at me.
"Yeah, thanks for that." Harry says rolling his eyes.
"No, Harry! What the hell? You know we don't have the money to send you to college if you don't have the grades. If you were having trouble you could have always asked me for help. You know that."
Harry groans, "Mary, it's hard!"
"Yeah, well, get ready for the school bus to leave you at Pete's Pizza Palace, because life is hard." I state crossing my arms.
Louis gives me an odd look, "Wasn't that in the third grade?"
I put up my hand, "You know what that side of town is like."
"It wasn't that bad." Harry laughs.
I turn to look at him, "A homeless man tried to cut off my hair because he said he wanted it to make a doll."
Louis nods, "Oh, now I remember."
I nod, "Yeah. I was traumatized."
Harry looks at me and I look at him, "We need to leave."
I look at the clock on the stove and sigh, "We'll talk when you get home."
He rolls his eyes, "Whatever."
At school I don't see drew waiting for under the lightpost like he usually does. Just then my phone rings and I look down to see Dre's smiling face on the screen.
I answer, "Hey."
He coughs, "H-Hechoo!"
I grimace, "You don't sound so good."
Drew sniffles, "I have the flu."
I walk toward the school doors, "Oh, man, that sucks."
He lets out a weeze that I think was supposed to be sigh, "You have no idea."
"Is there anything you need? I could bring by soup or something."
He gives a small laugh that turns into a cough, "My mom has quarantined me to my room. None come in or out. Thanks anyways."
I laugh, "It's no problem. If there is anything you need just let me know, okay?"
"I will. Bye, Mary."
I smile, "Bye, Drew." The call disconnects and I tuck my phone in my back pocket. Walking to my locker I go through my head the books I will need for my next few classes. When I reach my locker I see Louis out of the corner of my eye. I turn my head slightly to the side to get a better view of him. He's with Liam, Niall, and Zayn. Niall says something and Louis throws his head back in laughter. He runs his hand through his hair when he spots me. My eyes widen and a smile tugs at the corners of his lips and he gives me a small wave. I feel my face heat up and I quickly twist in the combination to my locker. I try to open it but it's jammed. I groan and re-enter the combination but it still doesn't open. From my left I see Louis jog over to me and a voice says, "Need help?"
I jump and turn to my right, "Cole! Hi!"
He laughs, "Hey, do you need some help?"
I look and see Louis give me one last look before looking away and waking off, "I do. The combination is 16, 22, 42."
He put in the combination and the locker swings open, "There you go."
"How did you- whatever." I sigh and look at him.
"I guess I just have the magic touch." He says and wiggles his fingers.
I laugh, shake my head, and he smiles at me. There is a moment of silence between us until he says, "I'll see you at lunch?"
I smile and nod my head, "Yeah. Yeah, I'll see you at lunch."
He puts his hands in his pockets and walks off. I bite my lip to hold back a smile and look down at the floor. I feel someone poke my side as Zayn, Liam, and Niall walk by and Liam says, "Careful, Mary. We don't want Harry to see you."
Niall chuckles and whispers, "Or Louis."
I let out a small gasp and drop my books and papers. They continue waking and Zayn looks back and smirks at me.
I stand there with my mouth open and Louis jogs up, "Mary, what did they say to you?"
I begin to hyperventilate, "They know."
Louis shakes his head, "What do you mean 'they know'?"
I glare at him and begin picking up my books, "I mean, they know."
"Wait- you mean, they know." He asks with wide eyes and picking up my papers.
"Yes! They know!" I yell standing up.
He stand up and looks around, "Keep your voice down!" He sighs, grabs my hand, and pulls me down the hall.
"Where are we going?" I ask looking pass him.
"Shh!" Louis says opening the janitor's door.
He shuts the door and turns to me, "How do you know they know? And do they know I know you know they know?"
"Well, I was with Cole-"
"Cole? Who- who is Cole?" Louis says crossing his arms.
"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Not important." I tell him what happened at my locker and then lean against the wall.
Louis runs his hand through his hair, "Oh, shit. They do know."
"I know!" I place my elbow on the shelf.
"Does Harry know?" Louis says taking a step closer to me.
"I don't know."
"Would it be such a bad thing if he did know." He mutters.
I step closer to him, "Yes! Yes, it would be!"
"Well, I'm just saying maybe he wouldn't be against... us." He shrugs and looks down.
"Are you crazy?"
"A little."
I shift my books to one arm and take another step towards him, "There is no way he would even consider the possibility of... us. I mean- what are we even doing, Louis?"
He shrugs and takes a step closer to me. He leans forward, "I don't know." My eyes flicker down to his mouth and I lick my lips.
I smirk, "Good. I don't either." I step forward and my lips meet his. He stumbles back, surprised but then his hands find my waist and he pulls my body closer to his. He walks forward until my back is against the wall and I work my hand through his hair.
Just then the door swings open and I see Jesse the janitor standing there, "Really? This is a janitor's closet! Not a make out closet! Wait- Mary?"
Louis steps away from me and I readjust my shirt, "Jesse..."
He sighs, "Not you, too."
I step forward, "Please, don't tell anyone."
"Tell anyone what? I didn't see anything, kid." He smiles at me and jerks his head to the side, "Get out of here."
Louis and I share one last look before take off down the hall in different directions.

-My grandfather died
-Staying with my dad
-Tennis season

So those are the main reasons I haven't updated in so long. Again, my apologies it has taken so long but I've had a lot of stuff going on.
Don't forget to comment!
First commenter will have the next chapter dedicated to them and the fist five will get to know what happens next chapter!

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