Chapter 20: Boys and Books

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Chapter 20
Boys and Books

I grab my my purse and some money from my desk drawer and check myself one more time in the mirror before walking out my bedroom door. As I walked down the hall I call out, "Harry?" I walk to his room and open the door and find only his unmade bed with the comforter pilled up in the center. I open my uncle's bedroom door and, of course, it's empty. I walk to the living room and the kitchen and the dining room and they're all empty. I sigh and put my hands on my hips and look around. I'll just leave a note, I guess.
I take a pink Post-it note and write with a black pen, 'Went to the book store. Call if you need me. -Mary'. I walk back to his room and step around all his stray clothes and blankets on the floor. I make it to his TV and firmly press the Post-it to his tv. He will definitely see it there. He was always watching his tv or on his computer when he was back here. I still don't think it's fair he got the tv in his room and not me. All because he was born a little earlier he was the "older child". That doesn't mean he's more responsible, I mean- "Mary, what are you doing in my room?" A groggy voice says behind me.
I scream and and turn around abruptly catching my foot on his computer cord. I proceed to fall and my arm bangs the cymbal on his drum set on my way down.
Harry groans from under the covers, "God, Mary, you're so loud."
I glare as I stand up and flick a sock off my shoulder, "Clearly, not loud enough. Why didn't you answer when I called?"
He sighs and throws his covers below his face, "Clearly, I'm trying to sleep."
I roll my eyes and grab my purse from under a pair of pants, "I'm going to the bookstore."
Harry rolls over, "Sounds like a blast."
Ignoring his comment I tiptoe my way to his door, "Pick some of this up, alright?"
He gives me a thumbs up, "Will do."
I sigh, "You're not going to, are you?"
I see can't see his face, but I see his curls move back and forth, "Nope."
I shake my head and walk out his door, "I didn't think so."
He calls behind me, "Love you!"
I can't help but smile and tell before heading out the front door, "You, too!"
I open the bookstore door and the familiar smell of new books and coffee hits my nose. I take in a deep breath and smile. There is nothing in the world that compared to that smell. I walk through the rows and rows of books examining the spines, ocasionsally taking one or two out to read the back. Once I had an armful,l I walk towards the cash register and pay. I hand him my money then walk to the back of the store where the coffee shop was. Once in line, I examine the menu even though I know I was going to get the same thing as always: a medium hot chocolate with peppermint and whip cream and a brownie. I has been the same thing since I started coming here as a kid. While I wait in line I take out one of my newly bought books and and flip through a few pages when I here a voice behind me, "That's a good one."
I turn around to face the voice and see Cole standing there with a smile on his face, "Hey, Cole. What, um, what are you doing here?"
He shrugs, "Same thing as you, I'm guessing."
I blush slightly, "Oh, right... So you like this book?"
He nods and points at a nearby table with the same book on top of it, "I'm reading it now. I'm almost done. I came here to buy the second."
I nod, "Yeah, I like the author so I figured I would give this a try."
"What else did you get?" He questions gesturing to my bag.
I pull out four more books and hand them to him. He takes them and gives a small laugh, "I just bought this, this, and this, and I already read that one." He hands them back to me just as we reach the counter and the employee, Jeff, sets a medium hot chocolate and brownie on the counter infront of me.
Cole looks between me and Jeff as I pay and he says, "Did you even order?"
Jeff answers for me, "Nope, but Mary's a regular so we all have her order memorized. Medium hot chocolate with whip cream and peppermint and a brownie. She practically lives here."
Cole gives me an approving look, "Impressive."
I laugh, "Thank you." I smile and walk over to get a fork and napkin. Cole appears beside me and pours two creamers into hiscoffee then turns to me, "Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to come sit with me? If you want. If not that's fine, too. But then do me a favor and pretend I didn't ask..."
I laugh and nod my head, "Sure, I'd love to sit with you."
He clears his books off the table and places his bag on the floor. I notice some college brochures poking out of his bag and say, "Still haven't decided on a college?"
He stirs his coffee and slowly shakes his head, "I have no idea where I want to go or what I want to do."
My eyes widen, "Me, too!"
He looks up at me and places his straw on a napkin, "I seriously thought I was the only one."
I sigh and set down my book, "So did I. I haven't the slightest clue what I want to do with my life or where to go do it and it is really starting to freak me out."
He groans, "I know! It seems so many kids have had this idea of what they want to be and where they want to go since they stepped throught the doors freshman year. I have no idea and we are now in our senior year and all these kids have their applications already lined up, but I just don't know!"
I take a bite of my brownie, "I know exactly how you feel."
Cole shakes his head, "And you would think we would be the two students who know exactly where they want to go because we are the top in our class, but nope... No idea... At all..."
I sigh and pick up my book, "Believe me, I know..."
Cole and I lost track of time and soon enough the sun was setting. "I need to go my little sister is almost done with ballet and I need to pick her up." Cole says looking at the time. Just then my phone buzzes and I look at the screen: 'The boys are over and we ordered Chinese. If you don't plan on eating out you better get here before the food does...'
I nod, "Me, too. If I don't get home before the food there will be none left."
Cole laughs, "Harry is your older brother, right?"
"Twin!" I yell out in frustration.
Cole jumps a little and gives me a weird look. That's embarrassing. I sigh and say calmly, "Sorry. We are twins. Two minutes apart, but we are equal. He can't get that through that thick scull of his, however. I'm not his little sister. I am his twin."
Cole laughs, "I didn't think you could get so mad about something."
I roll my eyes and begin collecting my books, "Harry is my brother. He knows how to get under my skin."
Cole put his books back in his bag, "I know how you feel. My little sister is the same way."
We walk outside and Cole says, "Which way are you headed?"
I re-adjust my purse on my shoulder and point in the general direction of my neighborhood, "Over there."
Cole nods, "Well, I am, too. I'll walk you home if you want."
I can't help but smile, "That would be nice. Thank you."
Cole gives me a small nudge as me walk, "It's fine. Last thing we need is a pretty girl walking alone while it gets dark."
I smile slightly and look at the pavement, "You think I'm pretty?"
When I look at him I see his cheeks getting red and he stutters, "I- um- I- y- you- I- um... Yes."
I laugh and change the subject to something other than myself, "Do you have a science parter for Friday yet?"
He shakes his head, "No, do you?"
I shake my head, "Nope."
"Do you want to be partners?"
"Yes." I smile and point to the next house, "That's mine."
Cole walks me to the door and says, "It was nice talking to you today."
I nod, "You, too. I'm really enjoying that book so far. You were right. It is good."
He nods, "I was wondering... Um, if you were free friday? Not, like, as lab partners, but as, like, a date. If you want."
I break into a wide smile, "Yes. Yes, absolutely. Yes."
He smiles back, "Okay, how about-" the front door swings open and Niall yells, "I told you guys I heard voices! Wait, you not the Chinese guy. Guys, Mary had a boy with her that's not Drew!"
My eyes widen, "For the love of- really, Niall?" I turn to Cole, "I am so sorry for whatever is about to happen please don't hold it against me."
We hear footsteps throughout the house and Cole gives me a worried look, "Wait, what?"
Harry pushed past towards the front and glares at Cole, "And who do you think you are walking around with my sister?"
"I- I- I'm Cole." Cole says wiping his palms in his jeans. I look up at Louis who is looking at me with a blank expression. I open my mouth to try to word something to him but he just looks away.
Liam chimes in, "And what do you think you're doing with Mary?"
Cole looks around, "Walking her home."
"From where?" Zayn says.
"The book store."
"Why?" Niall questions.
"I didn't want her walking home alone."
"Why? So you could get her alone?" Harry says crossing his arms.
Cole shakes his head, "What?"
"And take advantage of her?" Liam glares.
"That's ridiculous." Cole says crossing his arms.
Zayn steps forward, "Is it, though?" He leans in towards Cole, "Is it, really?"
I stomp down my foot, "Inside!"
I glare at them, "Now!"
They all scramble around trying to fit in the door at once but failing. I sigh and shake my head, "I am so sorry. I will see you tomorrow, okay?"
Cole laughs and nods, "Okay. I'll see you tomorrow."

There you go! Sorry I haven't updated. I had writer's block and I didn't know what to write. GOOD NEWS THOUGH! I have planned out the rest if the ENTIRE book chapter by chapter so I no longer have to worry about writer's block only time management. Guess how many chapters there will be?! Okay, I'm not going to tell you until the end of next chapter because I need something to actually get you to read these things. Anyways, what do you think about Cole and Mary? Would they be cute together? Or do you like Louis and Mary more? Comment your opinion below! First five commenters get to know what happens next chapter and the first gets the next chapter dedicated to them! Comment away!

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