Her Name | My Baby

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Finn was puffing up his pillow, with Kitty at the door saying goodbye.

As Finn made sure Kitty was no where in sight, he made his way to Tord's office.
He opened the door, seeing Tord cradling a small baby child.

Tord looked up, " Oh hi Finn, what's up?".

" A) Who is that. B) I finally got Kitty's actual name." Finn pointed at the baby before squealing knowing Kitty's name.

" Well, this is my baby, Torm Ari Auddersson Thompson." Tord said, before taking a milk bottle and feeding it to his baby.

Finn nodded his head slowly, raising his brows. Wow, information, am i rite?
Finn realised why he was here.

" Kitty's real name, is Dorothy. Which means, Gift of God. Tattaa!" Finn waved before leaving.

Tord shook his head in laughter. Before hearing a deep scary voice, which made his smile wave away.

" Give... me the child. Or else your best friend, Dorothy, gets it," ... Satan... said.


Do you remember?

Also, im a christian. Tattaa!


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