《Kit Kat Sugar Rush》

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As Pau was taking over Tord's job for a week, he was struggling with paperwork, teaching the new recruits, heck, paying the bills!

" Oh mah gawd, I'm having flashbacks of how I used to be the previous leader, it wasn't so hard before!" Pau complained with Pat checking his phone.

" Uh-huh, that was 7 years ago when Tord was 15, he said the work was exhausting, now you are saying the work is exhausting, and Tord's completely fine," Pat replied grinning, looking at the irony.

" It'd make sense if Tord was dying inside from all this work," Pau muttered under his breath, despite that, Pat heard.

" He is," Pat shot a glare.

" Oh yay,"

" Of us," Pat said feeling a little hurt knowing his adopted child was having trouble, calling the once was fathers, plane idiots or dinguses.

" Ouch," Pau held his heart in a dramatic move. " I thought he was my son," Pau faked his sadness.

" Did you get pregnant and shot him out of your asshole? Didn't think so," Pat rudely stated.

" Why do I love you," Pau sighed and face planted onto all the papers.


Tom and Tord were in the ward, together.

" Hey, want some kit kats?" Tord opened a huge packet of kit kat, the christmas pack.

" I wanted that for christmas, didn't get it and I hate it now" Tom crossed his arms and pouted.

" Aw my love, why not have one?" Tord teased. Tom had his cheeks warmed up a bit but he took one ate the wafer chocolate.

Tom hadn't had the thing in forever, and he went sugar apeshit.

( We'll get back to this soon... i hope )


Edd and Matt were placed into the same dorm. Matt was still admiring himself, posing in the mirror and blowing a few kisses.

Edd on the other hand, paced in the room.
Edd didn't want to lose the bet.
He wanted the money.
He tried to take Tord's hentai once, he broke something but didn't know what.

" Ugh! Matt! I don't want to lose the bet!!" Edd finally confronted the still-narcississt, who had noticed Edd's frustration.

" Edd, come on, Tom and Tord never got together well. Tord had a ruined childhood because his father is in the opposing army, and Tom... lost his parents." Matt lowered his reputation saying the last few words.... you know what happened.

( FunDead Reference )

" Yeah?! So why are they fighting?!" Edd asked like a retard, not knowing the history of the bickering couple.

" Well, Tord gave the gun to me, and I gave the bear the gun and... yada yada yada that bear killed Tom's dad, Tom's mom... eye cancer," Matt reasoned and replied.

" Jesus," Edd widened his eyes.

" Yeah," Matt chuckled.

" We need to drop a little sabotage act on Tom and Tord, so even in a few months, they won't be the best!" Edd hatched a plan.

Hohohoho, Edd's going to be on the naughty list.

" But Edd, they're our friends!" Matt said, worried. " Oh Matty Matt Matt, but they aren't together! Pau didn't say anything about trying to do anything to win!" Edd cackled.

" I'm not dumb anymore," Matt said sternly.

Edd held up a mirror and Matt snatched it out of Edd's hands.

" Oh hello, handsome~" Matt said to his reflection.


Tom turned into his purple monster self and started destroying the room him and Tord were in.

" S.O.S!" Tord said, activating his walkie talkie.

This is why children shouldn't have coffee.


Pau and Pat were in Tord's office.

Pat was cleaning the office while Pau was doing le paperwork. " How does one 20 year old do 132 papers in 3 days?" Pau complained dropping his pen and burying his face in his hands.

" There is reason why he is called Red Leader," Pat continued brushing Tord's hentai cabinet. " Why can't Tord just watch normal porn?" Pat said in digust, seeing the anime girls being raped in the front magazine pages.

" Hentai, is anime porn and that is normal of itself, and Pat help I'm dying here." Pau shouted.

" Smoke your problems away," Pat mocked.

" Oh thank you," Pau said sarcastically but pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

Crash! AHHH! HELP!

Pat heard screaming and loud din being made. " You hear that?" Pat stopped cleaning and looked at Pau.

" It's just the sound of NO ONE CARING," Pau repeated his famous line almost every soldier would know when he sees something dangerous but doesn't do shit.

" Sure, repeat that to Blondo of what you said years ago when this army was under the rule of me," Pat stated before running off to see the cause.

" What's all the rack....et...." Pat saw Monster Tom apprehended and roaring.

Edd came to the scene.


" Nie," Tord shouted back, meaning no.


All this for kit kat. What did Tom wish for actually?

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