《 My failed Experiment 》

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[ Song : Silent Hill, Lisa's theme,'Not Tomorrow'. ]

As Edd and Matt were escorted to different parts of the base, they were worried about Tom.

Edd was put to job to be a scientist.
He had no trouble since he just mixed some chemicals together and made the cure for Ebola. Literatly.

Matt was a medic.
Though an IQ of like 10 percent with hard headed traits, Matt was much more harder to tame.

Tom was given his worst nightmare.

A schedulist to Tord. Tom had met up with generals, leaders and such about meetings and when they would be starting.

Other than that, it is either smoke break, Hentai Haven or literatly a walk around the base. And Tom also had to be Tord's bodyguard.

Sure maybe Pat and Pau could do so.
But they are tired of Tord's whining and crying, sometimes they go back to their dorms with blood all over since Tord...
" lost his temper".

A simple conversation is just the same.

" So how about the day with whiny 20 year old manhood Tord?" Pat joked, but his laugh died down when Pau had small smears of blood all over.

" He got 'mad'." Pau quotationed his fingers.

" Jesus," Pat showed a sympathetic look.

Pau just brushed it off and went to change.


Tom was sitting outside the Red Army's Clothworks, as they call it. It is usually where the uniforms came from so on and such.

A lady, with tight clothing opened the door to find Tom, " Ah, red leader told me to give you a special outfit!", she squealed as she took Tom's arm and started dressing him up.

The lady did a few finishing touches.

But... she felt something wasn't right.
" Hm, your hair is the problem..." the lady rubbed her chin before grabbing some hair gel and a comb.

" Please don't hurt Steve," Tom pleaded.
" Your... your hair? You named it?" She said in her british accent.

" Duh, this thing is a living nightmare, it reproduces hair and grows, so it deserves a name," Tom pouted.


Tord was doing some paperwork, finishing one paper.

" Yes! I've... uh... ah faen." Tord had his hopes up, but looking to his right, was a fairly medium sized stack of paper.
He swore they felt like homework but due in days or weeks or even months.

Tord just shrugged it off and went back to working.

A knock was heard. " Come in," Tord said in a sluggish voice. Tom came in Tord's room, carrying what seems to be a really advanced holographic notepad. (IDFK)

Tord's lips pulled a smirk, while Tom isn't giving two shits at all.

" How do you like your new job?"

" Hate it, and I hate you, for the most part,"

" Woah, calm down," Tord got up from his chair and started walking slowly to Tom.

" You know, maybe you should get back with me," Tord stopped in front of Tom.

" No, we are not becoming friends, ever again," Tom spat at Tord. To Tom's surprise, his lips were met with Tord.

Tom reacted like... well he just stood there.

" I'm sorry, no, I can't," Tom had tears in his eyes, he was about to run away when Tord took him by the arm. " Not now, not tomorrow, your choice," Tord stated before letting Tom go.

Tom ran out the office. It was shocking, and way too soon. Maybe in a month or years they can get together. But Tom thought about what Tord said.

'Not now, not tomorrow, your choice,'

Tom slowly walked to his dorm while being confused. He accidentally bumped into Pat. " Agh! Sorry! Sir, I apologise!" Tom stammered. Even though he hated Tord, he had to go by the Army's rule, he's not gonna give up his life just because he didn't follow the rules.

" Ah, it's okay, you're new here, anyways... are you crying?" Pat raised his brow.
" Uhm, no," Tom wiped his eyes before running away to his dorm.


Tord, stood in his office for a good 8 minutes before returning to paperwork.

Pat knocked. Allowing permission, Tord countinued doing his paperwork.
" Hey, any idea what happened to Tom? He was crying today," Pat pointed.
" Not today, not tomorrow, his choice," Tord creepily stated. When Pat heard this, he was scared and confused real quick.

" Sir? What do you mean?" Pat widened his eyes. Who nows, it could mean suicide, or anything related bringing harm to Pat's adopted baby- I mean Tord.

Tord froze, he stopped writing, took a deep breath and resumed. "Leave," Tord commanded.

Pat didn't want to really investigate now, so he obliged and left.


Tom was in his dorm. He closed the blinds and his door. He was laying what seemed lifelessy. He just blinked a couple of times, breathing, thinking. Choosing.

Would he accpet today?


Or never?

He was thinking. His choice. Would it be too late on the battlefield? Or no? Tom closed his eyes. It was took quick.

His answer was chosen.

Let... him... decide.
My failed experiment.


Was i high when I rewrote this? Maybe not but still.


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