Chapter Nine.

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What a night, I don't remember much of it but it was a good night. Yesterday work really worked me to death, but that's what happens after you become assistant manager, you have more responsibilities. But after work I kind a let loose a little bit with Shay. We went out to dinner and had a few drinks then we ended up back at her place. I think we had sex, I'm not sure.

All I know is that my pants and boxers are missing right now.

I got up and searched the room for my clothes, I got dressed and went into the kitchen to see Shay sitting at the table eating a toaster strudel.

"Are those strawberry toaster strudels?" I asked.

"Yes sir, help yourself." Shay said.

I grabbed the box of strudels out of the freezer and popped a few in the toaster. Shay tossed me a bottle of aspirin so I could take them. I poured myself a glass of juice then took the aspirin. My strudels popped out of the toaster and put then on my plate before I could burn my fingertips. I spread some icing on them then began eating. I had to remind myself to buy a few boxes of those when I went to the store again.

"I don't remember anything from last night so I took a plan b just to be on the safe side." Shay said.

"That's fine, your body your choice." I said.

"Do you think you'll ever have children again?" Shay asked.

I shrugged, "Honestly I don't know. You?" I asked.

Shay shook her head and sighed, "Too scared. Maybe one day I'll get over that fear and have one." She said.

"I understand." I looked down at my watch and groaned, "Ugh I gotta get to work soom." I said.

"I have class in an hour so don't feel bad." Shay said.

"You need me to drive you?" I asked.

"No thank you." Shay said.

We talked a little more over breakfast before we left. Shay went to school and I went home so I could get ready for work. Really wasn't in the mood for work but I was excited about the paycheck because I was gonna get a nice bonus this week. The only thing that makes my job shitty is having to work with Princess Normani and her jacked up attitude. Ever since she found out about my daughter she's been trying to get on my good side.

Not gonna happen.

I pulled into the driveway and went into the house. Skillet was sitting in his doggy bed know on a giant bone. There was loud music coming from upstairs and the only person that blast their music that loud is Nolan. I called his name a few times but he didn't answer. I walked up to his room and opened the door, now I've walked on Nolan doing some strange things but this was next level crazy. 

"Bro what the hell are you doing?" I asked.

Nolan pulled a gun out on me and quickly put up my hands. He relaxed, "Boy you lucky I looked at you before I pulled the trigger. You know better than to roll up on somebody like that." He said.

"My bad man, but tell why the hell are you bagging up dope right now?" I asked.

"Nigga I'm selling it." Nolan said.

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