Chapter Thirty-Seven.

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One Year Later

Normani's POV


It's funny how the tables turn. You do wrong to someone and you don't think Karma will come back and take a chunk out of your ass but she does. And the funny thing about karma is you don't know how she's gonna come at you. Right when you get comfortable in your life she comes at you and wrecks your shit. But the Bible says you reap what you sow and best believe in sowing my harvest right now.

Y/N went from overly kind gentleman to a gentleman who doesn't take shit from anyone. Not to mention he got back with his baby mama, married her, and had more kids with her. I would be telling a really big lie if I said I wasn't jealous of Natalie because I am. Natalie is living a perfect life, the life I dreamed of with the man that I love. I should the one wearing the ring, not her.

Even though Arin and I are together we still maintain a relationship because of Tahani. He even made the move here to New Orleans so he could be closer to Tahani. Every once in awhile I got to him when I need my fix. There's no feelings between us, just sex. Arin's good but he's not Y/N and he never will be.

My sister got pregnant again so we're at the gender reveal. Tahani and I are hoping for girls again but my grandma thinks it's gonna be two boys this time. Whatever my sister is pregnant with I hope that the babies are healthy when they get here. As much as I wish this was a single event it's not. Natalie's pregnant with twins and Noelle thought it would be a great idea to combine their gender reveals together.

If Y/N and I were together, I'd be pregnant right now and I'd be having a gender reveal with my sister not the ex stripper hoe. But I'm here for my sister and my nieces.

"Mama I ate all of my food, even the vegetables." Tahani said.

"How come you ate all of those vegetables but when I make veggies you don't eat them?" I asked.

"You can't cook." Tahani said.

"I-." I squinted at Tahani and she shrugged her shoulders. I love my daughter but I wish I knew where she got her mousy ass mouth from.

Levi and Marc came over the table and said hello to me. "Hi Normani." They said.

"Hey Levi, Marc." I said.

They laughed and Marc said, "I'm Marc, he's Levi, Mani."

"I am so sorry handsome. What can I do for you guys?" I asked.

"Can Tahani come play with us?" Levi asked.

"Please mama?" Tahani asked.

"Go ahead baby girl." I said.

Tahani kissed my cheek before running off with the boys. I sat back with my legs crossed and answered some emails. Running my own business is great but it does take a toll on some parts of my life. For example some days I have to work when I should be spending time with Tahani. My love life is nonexistent. When guys find out I run my own business and I'm a single mom they run off. At this rate I'm better off staying single.

I looked around the restaurant and Noelle looked so happy with Nolan. Then I looked over and saw Y/N with Natalie. They were being all romantic with each over. The babies kicked and Y/N leaned down and kissed her belly. It's little things like that that makes me miss Y/N even more.

"Move on baby girl." Grandma said.

"Huh?" I asked as I turned around.

"Close that chapter in your life, baby. You can't move on if you're looking behind you to see what he's doing." Grandma said.

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