Chapter Thirty Two.

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Normani's POV

Home sweet home, not really but whatever. New Orleans had become a bad place for me but I left and came back to I've been home for two weeks and managed to avoid contact with my parents, but I know my luck is gonna run out with that situation eventually. But if I can keep avoiding them like I'm doing right now I'll be happy.

The dean from my school reached out to me and asked me to come in for a conference. She apologized for how she mishandled the situation. After conducting a thorough investigation she discovered that Arin was the campus drug dealer. It's a bit funny and fucked up at the same time. Funny because Arin was working for me, it's fucked up because he got caught. Maybe next time he'll be smarter and not get caught.

All I have to do is make it through this semester and I'll never have to look back at this place. I'll have my degree in business then I can go forth and get my realtors license. I don't have to take over my families operation, I can start my own operation and be my own boss. Who know maybe I'll take my real estate business back to New Orleans and set up shop there. The possibilities are endless at this point.

Sitting in this class I'm reminded of why I hated school so long. My professor is old, monotone, and long winded. The only thing that's been keeping me awake is the Ciroc that I mixed into my strawberry slushie before I got out of the car. I have have been nursing this cup the whole time and that bitch is good. I might get another bottle of Ciroc when I get out class.

I was in the middle of drawing a picture of a stick person when a folded up piece of paper landed on my notebook. I opened it up and it was from Allyson.

I need some blue notes.

I rolled my eyes and looked down at her, "I don't have anymore." I whispered.

"Fuck." Ally said to herself.

The professor dismissed us and I wasted no time packing my shit. I made my way down the stairs and walked outside. As I was walking through the parking lot I could see the eyes of the thirsty football players watching me. All of the guys were tired ass niggas who only fucked with white girls. So I don't know why they were eyeballing me. I tossed my bag in the backseat and opened the door. "Normani wait up." Some said.

I turned around and little Ronaldus was coming towards me. I put my sunglasses on and folded my arms. "What's going on Ronaldus?" I asked.

Ron held up a hundred dollar bill and said, "I need the hookup."

"Sorry sweetheart, but I'm all out." I said.

"When are you getting more?" Ron asked.

"Never." I said.

Ron groaned, "Come on Normani, I've been buying from you since you started and I always pay cash. Since the big bust on campus no one is selling and I need something to get me through this semester. Help me out, please." He said.

I sighed and pushed his hand away, "Keep your money, I'll see what I can do." I said.

I got in my car and drove back to my apartment. When I got inside I took my laptop and books out of my bag, I had a few assignments due by midnight so I went ahead and knocked those out early. That's one thing about me, even though I act wild and reckless someone's I take my education seriously. While my classmates are out partying I'm at home in these books. That partying and turning up gets old very quickly.

After I finished my homework I got on Snapchat to see what everyone else was doing. On Noelle's snap story she was lying on the bed studying while Nolan was massaging her booty. Choie was on her work flow shit at the sugar mill. Timmy was messing with Bubba at the butcher shop. When I got to Y/N's Snapchat I got sad. Devante was out in the swimming with Y/N learning how to swim. Little man was laughing and smiling like nothing was going on. I miss hearing Devante's little laugh and having random conversations with him.

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