now, right now

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solitude is something that never existed
when you were around, 
you always knew how to play my strings
that sounded like a love song.
I'm playing myself in solitude without you
and if my strings break some day - 
know that I keep you in my heart
where it snows when you fall
and it hurts when you're gone. 

I coat my throat with sugar
and kiss our regrets farewell.
goodbyes are bitter - 
i swear i won't bottle a single tear drop up
to be used for evidence
that you once existed
inside of a single piece of my sadness.

i'm sorry about losing my temper,
lost souls tender until late december,
you remembered my voice
and we laughed a little earlier,
way back in november,
the months may go by,
and the feelings may fade,
but at least this way,
we can keep inking the page.

memento mori // poetryWhere stories live. Discover now