for my lover

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Song: Fy Faen - Hkeem/Temur
(forgive me. I dont know why i'm so obsessed with norwegian songs these days. This song is SO fricking good and the song title literally means 'holy fuck')

you really love me, dont you?
no one tells you to wake up and call me ASAP,
that's you.
no one tells you to write to me,
the attention that you give to me,
that's you.
no one tells you to send art my way,
no one tells you to listen,
baby, that's all you.
you really are something else.
i don't know why you're like this,
but i don't ever want it to stop.
you make me feel important.
you make me feel special.

you make me feel loved.
i feel lucky.
i am lucky to have you in my life.
you answer all of my questions.
you see past my flaws and mistakes.
you understand that as a human,
i need to make mistakes. 
you understand that as a heart,
i need affection.
you understand that as an empty canvas,
i need your art.
you understand that as earphones,
i need your voice. 
you understand that as a lover,
i need you to feel complete.
you don't need to stay on the phone 
until i fall asleep,
but you do it anyway.
those tiny little things.
the most simple brush stoke of detail,
that is why I have fallen for you. 

memento mori // poetryWhere stories live. Discover now