Chapter 92: Chloe

Start from the beginning

I seriously don't want to fight today. "I don't know. I'm exhausted. I just want to rest until tomorrow."

He sighed. "Are you okay with sleeping in my room? I need to stay doing some more work."

He didn't remember. "I guess I'm okay with that."

He fucking forgot what I said before: 'I suffer from insomnia. I only sleep early when I am in a bad mood.' I left the office, closing the door behind me. But, found myself face to face to some grey eyes that I know too well.

"Anna?" Chloe stumbled back.

"Chloe. I'm so glad to see you here. So, it is true that you are Samuel's mate." Elena had told me how my ex turned up to be the mate of Caleb's Beta. Oh, what a small world.

"Eh... Mmm... What are you doing here?" She asked without meeting my eyes.

Our story is a funny one. I found out that I also liked girls because of her. We kind of dated for six months when I was fifteen and she was fourteen. His father found out and forbid me to corrupt his beloved child. We hadn't talked to each other since then. Okay, it wasn't so funny.

"I'm Caleb's mate."

She gasped and then laughed nervously. "Oh... My... Gosh! I can't believe this. Should we?"

"No way!" There is no way I'm telling those two anything. "Anna Amores-Lobo. Nice to meet you." I extended my hand to her.

She gave me a puzzled look but shook my hand anyway, "Chloe Clark."

"Oh, you took his last name. That is cute. Anyway, I'll make you company while you wait." I glanced at Caleb's office. They are still busy. I took Chloe's hand and pulled her toward the living room. We sat next to each other.

I mindlinked Chloe. "This house is full of cameras and microphones. It is creepy."

Her eyes widened. "It is?"

"Yeah. Don't look directly, but right there in the eye of the owl plushie on top of the bookcase, there is a camera."


"Let's watch some TV." I smiled at her turned on the TV.

"Anyway. Tell me. How things really are here?"

She looked at me, but I kept my eyes on the comedy show on the TV.

"Caleb is doing good." She looked at her lap and bit her lower lip.

I turned to her and gave her an earnest look. "I'm not planning on ratting you out. I just want to know the truth."

"You promise?" She looked me in the eye.

"Promise. I won't let him find out about this conversation." I turned back to the TV.

Chloe sighed. "Caleb took over when he was nineteen, instead of twenty like he was expected to. He is too strict, with everyone, especially with himself. He barely sleeps and spends every day, the whole day, either managing resources, patrolling, or training. There is compulsory training for all pack members from the age of seven, which is not bad, but he is too demanding. He wants them to train three hours daily without breaks and to think like warriors. The adults have it even worse. They barely have free time and he gets so mad if someone even questions his methods. I don't even want to talk about his punishments."

So that is why he almost growled at me earlier. What is my little Alpha doing?

"Thank you for being honest, Chloe."

"Are you going to talk to him?"

"Tomorrow. If I face him today, he will know you were the one who told me."

"About us..."

"There is nothing to worry about. We were teenagers. We kissed a couple of times. Do you want to tell your mate?" I peeked at her conflicted expression.

"I had never blocked him out of my mindlink before today. I'm not ready for him to know." She sniffled and I could tell she was holding back her tears.

Obviously, she likes guys too, but I'm sure that her retrograde father never allowed her to fully accept herself. I should change the subject.

"I heard your father tried to set you up with Caleb."

She looked at me, now with a scared look. "Sorry."

I laughed. "Don't be. I know how your father is. Still, I hate him."

"He is not so bad." 

I gave him my are-you-fucking-serious look.

She snorted and laughed out loud. "Okay, he is pretty bad. I'm so glad I'm free from his tyranny now."

Caleb and Samuel walked into the room.

"Talking about tyrants." I gave Chloe another look and she chuckled.

"I see you are getting acquainted." Samuel grinned.

Chloe's smile faded. She looked at me, terrified. That is just sad. He is her mate. She should be honest.

I yawned to look indifferent. "We were really close when we were teenagers. Her asshat father didn't like me, though. So, he made us stop being friends."

"I see. How have you been doing, Anna?" Samuel rubbed the back of his neck without looking at me.

I turned to look at Caleb, instead. "Are you done talking to your Beta now?" I'm so petty, I know.

Caleb nodded and I stood up and walked to him, taking his hand in mine. "Let's go."

He pulled back. "I want to introduce you to some friends of mine."


He led me outside of his house and behind it. Is that what I think it is? Clucking... It is a chicken coop.

Soon, my eyes fell on the small ball of fluffiness and happiness: A black silkie rooster

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Soon, my eyes fell on the small ball of fluffiness and happiness: A black silkie rooster. But, then, Caleb opened the door of the coop and I saw something even more adorable: Silkie baby chicks. I squealed and hugged Caleb before walking into the coop, my bad mood immediately improved. This is my kryptonite.

 This is my kryptonite

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