2k authors note ((and update as of 3/11/18))

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To be completely honest, I'm half way done with the oneshot that was supposed to be for the 2k... and I'm still posting that, but I wanted to thank y'all for the 2k reads!

It honestly means the world to me and to know that not only one of my works, but two has prompted me to write by myself again. Try to publish some work or whatever...

Anyways, I've been in a bad place recently and I've actually been working more on Give Me All Your Hopeless Hearts than this book- which is probably why I haven't updated this in a month and I'm four chapters ahead of myself with Hopeless Hearts...


This has like seven half written prompts and thirty six total prompts, but I'm planning on getting this mini oneshot out soon.

A little inside note as well:

I'm currently doing a collab and it's not up yet, but you should still follow this lovely author Narrissic because their work is F A N T A S T I C

Anyways, I love you all and I'll update soon most likely, but keep an eye out on Give Me All Your Hopeless Hearts if you want something from me sooner ((that sounds weird)) or something besides smut-

I love y'all and thank you so much

- Anja

Update as of 3/11/18:

typically I would have the oneshot up, but I've been so busy and working on Give Me All Your Hopeless Hearts and then recently my phone has started to freak out completely and I just copied and pasted the oneshot ((what I have of it)) to a google doc and it kept deleting the stuff ((thank god for the undo button-))


I'm super sorry on how late this oneshot is and I'm gonna try to do the 2k smut and instantly followed by a fluffy fluffy chapter

I've also just been hella stressed so I've just putting all of my frustration and dark shit into Give Me All Your Hopeless Hearts-


I hope y'all understand at least a bit... I love you all and thank you for not pressuring or spamming me with comments on what I haven't updated and I appreciate you guys being so patient.

I love y'all

- Anja

A Rather Random Plethora Of Oneshots That May Or May Not Be GoodWhere stories live. Discover now