Why The Fuck Are You Singing Brittney Spears At Two am? I'm Right Next Door

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Third person

Gerard Way was stuck in an endless loop of drinking coffee, going to sleep at five in the morning after working on a new panel for Dark Horse, drawing (obviously), and never having the time to get laid because he was always too busy to even sometimes take a fucking shower. His dry spell didn't help at all though when it came to slutty male in the next loft over who brought men home almost every fucking night. He was loud enough to sound like he was in a porno, some of the moans obviously fake. It was a pain to be distracted by his neighbor having sex that wasn't really even good sex by the sounds of it.

He's only seen the male a couple of times, his dark hair brushing his shoulders while he always wore black jeans that looked like they were uncomfortable from how tight they were. Sometimes, Gerard could see tattoos peaking out of his shirt, the ones more visible on his arms.

Gerard also thought the man was very short.

Gerard also sometimes caught the mans name through the walls that some guy was moaning... something like Hank or Jake. Sometimes I thought it could be Frank... he certainly looked like a Frank.

But then again, Gerard almost never left his apartment unless it was to go to the store for more coffee and microwave dinners (a very healthy combination in his opinion), or to run to the art store. Most of Gerard's meetings were through skype, leaving himself in the confines of his home.

And he was perfectly happy with that.

Now sometimes Gee would bang on the wall because it was highly irritating that sometimes he could be in a deep concentration and getting quite a bit done and there was too much noise next door. It sucked ass though because it would break his concentration he would tug his black hair in frustration because his work flow was broken.

That's right, this is somewhat revenge Gerard in looks but current Gerard in career wise.

Anyways, author got off a little track.

Sometimes to get rid of his dry spells, Gerard would jack off to some cheap ass gay porn that was so cheesy but it normally got the job done. It wasn't really getting rid of his dry spell, but it did enough.

Tonight was different.

Course, it was about two in the morning, Gerard in deep concentration. Tonight was one of the nights that Lank didn't bring any guys home, leaving Gerard in peace and letting him focus on the panel that was due in two or so days. That didn't exactly last long though considering about 2:07 in the fucking morning a loud, muffled noise came through the wall.

"Oh baby baby...... oh baby baby......"

'You've got to be kidding me.' Gerard thought bitterly. Fucking Britney Spears was playing, the under lying noise of Hank singing along with the song."

"How was I suppose to know.... that something wasn't right here. Oh baby baby... I shouldn't have let you go..."

The 1997 track played. Gerard was irritated to say the least.

More like ready to blow a fuse.

"My loneliness is killing me AND I.. I must confess I still believe STILL BELIEVE that when I'm not with you..."

Gerard wanted to kill his neighbor.

He slammed his pencil down that he was sketching with, his lukewarm coffee sloshing in its cup. Gerard stood up abruptly and didn't bother putting on a shirt even if his feminine and curvy body was on show. Now was not the time to be self conscious of his Rocky Horror pajama pants that hand random quotes decorating the fabric.

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