This CEO Office Is Big Enough For The Two Of Us pt.2

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Requested by TearInMyTrapdoor
Enjoy!! ((I promise a Frank topping soon, probably with the I Know I'm Not Your Favorite Record sequel, and this is HELLA smutty... more so than I meant it to be... but I got the idea mainly from the first part))

Frank Iero.

Gerard Way's boyfriend and submissive who enjoys many aspects of the BDSM world. He loves to wear feminine clothing that brings out his soft curves and he always makes sure to impress his boyfriend... who happened to be his boss. He also happened to be his boyfriends assistant.

How ironic...

Speaking of ironic, if you count this being ironic I assume, let's just say Frank loved sucking Gerard's cock and it was even more arousing and fun when he had a coworker or potential client on the other side of the desk. Course, he was easily able to hide under it, but looking though his lashes with his lips stretched and drool dripping down his chin up at his boyfriend and least to say... it was hot.

Frank absolutely loved sucking his dick because of how he knew he could drive someone crazy because of how good of a head he gives. He knew he was good at what he did and he loved it.

He loved seeing Gerard struggling to keep himself from jerking his hips up into his mouth to fuck it hard, holding him down as he felt Gerard's cock hit the back of his throat...

Usually leaving Frank's voice absolutely wreaked.

Frank was a small boy with a little bit of chub around his thighs and mid section; which Gerard loved to kiss and nip at because he knew Frank hated his belly but he was the one showing the younger that he loved his body. Frank has these large hazel eyes with thick lashes that framed the glittering green and golden threads. His hair was cut down at the sides and he had a bit of a fringe, his dyed black always framing his face perfectly. Course, his lip ring usually had to come out during work hours, but the younger still tended to kick across his lips where it usually was, a habit he developed a good two months into having the piercing.

Gerard fucking loved that piercing.

Now, Gerard Way was head of the infamous Dark Horse comic publishing company. Gerard had recently dyed his brown hair a vibrant red; which a lot of people loved and didn't question because Gerard was the head of the mother fuckin company. His eyes were a dark, glittering hazel that held a stare that could make anyone comply with him, but the one person who could make him absolutely turn into an animal was his baby Frank.

Gerard was thin and lean compared to a lot of people, but still his pudge was slightly visible and Frank loved it. Frank loved laying his head on his stomach while they were cuddling and Gerard was like Frank because they both highly disliked their pudge, but the lather loved it and made them feel comfortable in their skin.

While Frank had colorful tattoos decorating his olive toned skin, that was a bit pale because of the winter, Gerard's was blemish and tattoo free, which contrasted the two greatly but worked for them equally...

Especially when Gerard loved to take his time with teasing and tracing each elegant swirl and curve of ink with his tongue or long fingers, admiring the boy beneath him.

Actually, Gerard loved it when Frank was acting up and all he did was look at him, how the boy would be squirming under him, panting and breathless as Gerard easily pulled the thread that held him together.

Not to mention that he was always so fucking tight even if they fucked the night before.

Actually, Frank was quite a frequent visitor to Gerard's spacious loft, them not only having sex, but watching movies and eating take out. Frank practically lived with Gerard and he loved it because it wasn't even really a request anymore. Gerard would just direct him to his car and Frank easily stepped inside the vehicle. Their relationship has actually progressed quickly and neither minded it.

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