You Can Spin My Bottle With This Cheap High School Party Beer

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Wow another high school party AU (smh @ me)
Third Person (like always)

Gerard Way was the whore of Clairemont high. Everyone, boys and girls, knew he was a very good fuck and that he didn't typically look for commitment. Hell, he hardly looked for commitment since he was an eighth grader.

He was a fiery blaze of red hair and black skinny jeans, burning and igniting everything he touched. Hazel eyes and a stupid smirk that'd have anyone weak in the knees and a sinister charm that granted his every wish. Pale skin, rumored to be beautiful when it was covered in hickeys, and a pixie nose, his eyes settling perfectly on his face under his arched and very nice eyebrows. He had a way with words and was on the top of the food chain, everyone never crossing him and knowing exactly who we was. Gerard also had an abundance of sass and a rather large ego that was bigger than his dick.

And he had a pretty nice dick.

Gerard took great pride into his dick.

Because everyone knew it wasn't a bad dick considering his reputation.

He also had a reputation of not fucking the same person twice unless you were a pretty good fuck and worth the while.

Gerard also didn't do relationships but he would sport one just to be with the punk who hung out with his brother.

Frank Iero was the guy who isolated himself from everyone except for a small group of friends that they named themselves the super geeks. He was the short kid who wore his skeleton fingerless gloves and hoodies because he was too lazy to find a clean shirt. Black skinny jeans and beat up converse shoes with mindless, shitty doodles on the toe and side. A quiet, but angsty, teen who was too nerdy and adorable for his own good, being able to lure anyone in with his innocence if he talked. He had large hazel eyes embedded with threads of gold and green. His lips perfectly bowed and thin, pink and the side of his next bearing a scorpion tattoo his mom let him get as a sixteenth birthday present. He also had a Mohawk, sides shaved down and dyed red, the fringe and hair settling in a mess on top black. Frank Iero was one of the only people Gerard hasn't fucked yet because every time Gerard tried to get close to the little ball of social awkwardness who hung out with his equally dorky, lanky gay ass brother would either scurry away or politely say he wasn't interested in Gerard like he was him.

And Gerard didn't like that because Frank had a great ass and he wanted so badly just to see the smaller boy squirm under him.

The little junior baited by the senior.

The Super Geeks included only four people which was very okay between the little 'club' or friend group they've built since eighth grade. The group of juniors consisted of sixteen year old Patrick Stump, seventeen year old Ray Toro, seventeen year old Mikey Way (very different from his brother in Frank's opinion), and of course, seventeen year old Frank Iero.

And eighteen year old Gerard Way was dead set on that little seventeen year old in the black hoodies that hung out with his brother and was his best friend. Sometimes Gerard would make an excuse to go into his brothers room when Frank was over, winking and giving flirtatious gestures when Mikey's back was turned. Like, one time in Frank's sophomore year and Gerard's junior year, Frank was over and bent over, trying to get something Mikey asked for in the hall closet and he couldn't help himself but to just squeeze that delicious piece of ass.

He was also very aware Frank was gay, once hearing how Frank lost his virginity to a guy he liked because he really wanted to impress him but the guy dated him for a month and broke up with him. Gerard remembered the jealousy he felt flare in his stomach and ignite his body from Frank fucking Brendon Urie, who was almost as equally slutty as Gerard. He also remembered that weekend that was filled with Frank asking why he was used for his body towards, all of them of course directed towards Mikey. Gerard honestly didn't have the heart to make a comment to the obviously devastated and innocent boy. Frank and Mikey ate so many snacks that weekend and Patrick and Ray came over at some point to hang out and cheer him up with a musical marathon (which Gerard heard from next door in his room... all of Rocky Horror, Wizard of Oz, Les Mis, and what he thought was the broadway version of Hamilton).

A Rather Random Plethora Of Oneshots That May Or May Not Be GoodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora