I Write Music, Not Directions On How To Fix A Damn Shower

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Third Person

Gerard Way and Frank Iero have been best friends since Frank Iero punched Andy Hurley in the nose seventh grade year because he was picking on Gerard because Gerard had a Star Wars backpack that was really cool and Andy was actually really jealous, but he was being a rude ass bitch about it. Frank was then suspended for a week and he gave Andy a broken nose. From then on, the two extremely gay, emo boys have stuck by each other, Frank beating the shit out of anyone who made fun of Gerard. Frank was extremely protective over Gerard and hated it when Gerard would ditch their movie nights for some date that was going to just end up being a fuck. Sure, Frank had sex but not as often as Gerard.

Throughout high school, Gerard would sleep around and Frank would be on the side lines, depressed because Gerard blew off the midnight showing of Rocky Horror for that month to go on a date.

Frank never minded though because that was his best friend and in return, Frank would go and get himself laid as well. What hurt though was that the fact was, even if Frank didn't realize it, Frank was actually developing a crush on Gerard and Gerard?

That boy was trying to make Frank jealous by junior year which only turned around on him because it made him jealous when Frank would come to Gerard glowing the next morning because he got fucked.

At the time, Gerard had red, vibrant hair that was loud and caught your attention even if you weren't trying. Frank had this choppy hair cut that fell in different angles and Gerard found is absolutely adorable.

Fast forward about six years to where Frank was twenty three and Gerard was now twenty four and they shared an apartment, both still complete nerds... and not to mention the Star Wars themed kitchen set.

They were shopping and they saw it... they needed that kitchen set.

Frank had his little room and Gerard had his with them sharing one bathroom and both boys completely content with their lives.

Gerard was working for Dark Horse, making a living by doing what he did best, which was doing art in his own world. He was currently finishing up the Umbrella Academy, adding the final touches. His hair was dyed red like it was back in high school, his body though slightly chubby. His hair tended to fall in unruly clumps, messily styled and always hanging in his face. His skin was still milky pale and his eyelashes were just as long, face skinnier and his pixie nose always seeming to be smudged with graphite.

Frank was in a couple of bands around town, mainly writing his own music and coming up with his own riffs. Frank had quite a collection of tattoos currently being built up rather quickly, the inked skin seeming to go with the smaller male. His jaw line has since defined since high school and his hair was though still in a messy like hair cut but longer. Sometimes, if Gerard was lucky, he would hear Frank singing in his room when he thought he was alone in the apartment because he got back and Gerard was sleeping at four in the afternoon.

Course, they were still horny men and both had action but mainly...

That action was their left hand.

Maybe the occasional hook up because of desperation, but the most action they've been getting is from their left hands and that's not a lot. What's worse is that the boys would imagine that it's the others hand or maybe mouth that they were thrusting into instead of their hand.

Oh the irony.

Gerard was currently sitting at his desk in his room, crouched over his notebook as he doodled a cartoon zombie because he wanted a break from writing and worrying about precise detail. His tongue was peaking out of the corner of his mouth and red strands of hair fell into his face. When Gerard sat back to look at his little doodle, he smiled lopsidedly and wrote 'Steve' under the little feet.

A Rather Random Plethora Of Oneshots That May Or May Not Be GoodDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora