Chapter 17

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Disclaimer: The following is a fan based work of fiction whose characters do not belong to me, but to themselves. I only own my OC's. If you like what you're reading, be sure to leave a vote and a comment.

When it seemed like she'd gotten an eyeful of his terror, she went back to hacking and stabbing away at the door. As much as Andy wanted to use some kind of offensive technique, there was now way of predicting where she would stab next, or how long Ileana planned to keep it up. So for what felt like an eternity, Andy was subjected to the wrath of a angry female ghoul who stabbed away at his bathroom door, like a hot knife through butter. Andy pressed his body as far up against the door as he could, without being stabbed by his own kitchen ware.

Through the harsh sound of wood being splintered, the sound of Andy's cell phone ringing got the attention of both of them, and causing her to stop. The knife was still lodged in the door, but was swiftly removed as Ileana's retreating footsteps walked away from the door. But it didn't stay that way, as her footsteps soon returned, and with them, the sound of Chris' voice on speaker phone. It was strained and hoarse, as though he were in pain and trying to fight it off.

"Andy? You there? Pick up if you're there...... Well, look man we've got a problem. I went back to Adam's place because I dropped my wallet the night that we dumped him off. The second that I bent down to pick it up, the kid jumps on my back, puts a fucking knife in it, takes a goddamn hammer to my head, and again to my fingers. He tried to torture me for your address, but I told him where he could go and how fast to get there. I think his next target is his supervisor. Dude, you gotta call that John guy and tell him to run for his fucking life-"

The phone was abruptly cut off and Ileana's voice could be heard, dripping with malice and sadistic glee.

"Looks like you have two pissed off monsters to deal with. Tell me, why did you have to drag my brother into this bullshit? No better yet, tell me why I should give you anything resembling another chance? No, no, I've got it. Tell my why I shouldn't tear your hopes and dreams right out of your body and eat them whole?" Her last words made Andy's blood run cold as he thought back to the times when he'd drank her blood against her will. As far as retribution was concerned, this was probably more than he deserved. Even the answer that he gave just dug him into a deeper hole.

"Look, I've already explained myself as best as I could, okay? This is way bigger than just the two of us now. I'm sorry that I had to involve Adam, but there was no way around it. Please, just let me show you that I can change. Tell me what I need to do to prove myself, and I'll do it!" he practically shouted. Instead of a retort, or even more stabs, Andy was met with a silence that made his blood begin to run cold and his heart hammer in his chest. He knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that leaving the bathroom was not an option, so he resigned himself to looking through the cracks in the door that were left by the knife. Each one that he looked through turned up nothing, and even his superb hearing couldn't pick up anything from anywhere else in his place. He knew that the barrier was still up, so there was no way for Ileana to escape, which meant that she was just as trapped as he was. Wherever she was, she was lurking just outside his field of vision. Waiting for his next mistake to be his last one, so that she could end his life and go back to her own; unaware and ignorant of the real danger just outside his home.

Yes, this was his home; not hers and the vampire refused to be scared and cornered in his own home in pursuit of a lost love. If she wanted, a fight, then she would get one. Then he would suck her hopes of escape out of her body. This new stroke of confidence and strength lead Andy to turn the doorknob with slightly shaking hands, turn it with a bit of a raddle, and opened the door, first by a crack, then a sliver, and eventually, enough to step out into his living room again. Aside from the broken coffee table, nothing in particular stood out 0r was amiss. He moved to the kitchen where things were the same as when he was in there making food. The hallway closet/utility room was untouched, which meant that the last stop was the bedroom. Andy moved to the end of the hallway with calm, cool, and collected steps. His previous wounds had healed, but he still wasn't at 100% to engage in a fight. On the other hand, Ileana didn't eat much of anything either, so in a way, the both of them were a little bit impaired. The bedroom door was cracked but Andy couldn't recall if he left it that way. As he got closer, he tried to see any movement that indicated what Ileana was doing. But so far, he couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. Or hear anything for that matter. Aside from Andy's own movements, the silence was pregnant, almost deafening.

When he crossed the threshold to his bedroom, things were exactly as they were in his kitchen and living room. Untouched, unmoved, and still. His sheets were tangled, given the fact that she was the last one in his bed. Andy gave his room a thorough once over. His closet was empty, save for his clothes and shoes. Everything important, except for the female ghoul. He looked under the bed and came up short again. Concentration gave way to frustration as Andy let out a short huff, stood back onto his feet, and practically sped walk backed into his living room, retracing his steps. The kitchen once again, but nothing turned up. The living room was still untouched, and for some god awful reason, he even checked the bathroom again. Back to the utility room/ hall closet and still, nothing turned up. Andy now shook his head in aggravation, doing another mental checklist in his head of all the places that she could be hiding. Which weren't many, given that he occupied a one person living space.

He leaned on the washing machine and put his hands in his head, ruffling his hair in the process. In a perfect world, they would have kissed and made by up by now, like a normal couple. Would've laughed it off as both of them being hot headed and stubborn and cuddled up to a meal or some dumb TV show. But unfortunately, neither of them had the privilege of calling themselves normal. And, as much as Andy hated to admit it, Ileana was right. Each time that he fucked up, she'd given him once chance after another, and after each time, he's lie to her face, and go right back it. This whole situation was a downward spiral into a rabbit hole that probably hovers above the pits of Hell. Andy moved to turn around, but was met with the heart stopping sight of a hammer coming down on his head and nearly collapsed to his knees. He refused to be hurt and cornered in his own home.

A sharp pain exploded from his cranium, as he clutched his now bleeding wound. His heart was beating million miles a minute, and each breath that he drew in made a hissing sound. In front of him, stood not Ileana, but Adam with a blazing anger in his eyes that was identical to his sister's. A sister that came out of Andy's bedroom, fully dressed and stood near her brother who still gripped the hammer, ready to strike again. One on one, he could have taken them on no problem; but together Adam and Ileana were a force to be reckoned with. So the next best technique was meaningless small talk. He looked to Ileana first and met her cold gaze.

"How did I not see you? I was just in the bedroom. I looked under the bed and everything! Where the Hell were you?!" Despite the pain in his voice, Ileana looked down at Andy with not a single ounce of remorse, pity, or anything resembling sorrow. She even scoffed at him before responding.

"I guess you don't know me as well as you think you did. You may have checked under the bed, but you didn't bother to check the top of it, where I was holding myself up. I bet you didn't even bother to sniff me out, or check my phone for that matter. Which I used to text Adam and tell him where I was before hiding. You didn't even look for your own phone, or try to hide any papers that had your address on them. And now this. You're starting to lose your touch, Anderson. But it's not like you're going to be around long enough to do anything about it".

The two of them now looked down at their prey with black and grey eyes, and glasgow lines on their mouths. Andy was now in a state of panic that words alone couldn't describe or shape. The coal, black darkness in their eyes only added onto to the sadistic and murderous intent that shined behind them.

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