Chapter 3

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Disclaimer: Same one as before. Characters, with the exception of Ileana, do not belong to me, but to themselves. This chapter is more or less going to be a pseudo character origin flashback and will be doing a lot of shifting back and forth.  Paragraphs that are in Bold Print are for flashbacks. Normal print is for current events.

Another day brought with it another cold October morning, and a tired Ileana who carried her bag on her right shoulder and a thermo filled with coffee in her left hand. Without it, she was certain to crash once she got to work. Her raven black hair was tied in a high bun so that it wouldn't interfere with the scarf that was pulled up over her mouth and nose leaving 0nly her grey eyes exposed. It was almost 7 in the morning, as the rays of the sun began to illuminate the sky with blue, orange, and pink hues.

Despite the warmth that the sun radiated, the brisk winter winds still swirled around Ileana prompting her to take another sip of her coffee while it was still hot. All she had to do was catch another bus, and she'd be at her job site and at her desk in no time. And thanks to her speed as a ghoul, she made it to the bus stop in no time. Of course, she should've been cautious about how quickly she'd moved should Andy, or God forbid, one of the hunters be watching her but at this hour of the morning, she couldn't bring herself to care too much.

Ileana didn't have to wait long for the bus to come to her stop, or arrive at her job site for that matter. A job site that specialized in independent book publishing, giving potential authors a chance to have their works read without having to jump through the flaming hoops of mainstream publishers.

Within minutes of her speed walking towards the entrance and up three flights of steps, she deposited her bag behind her chair, and sat at her desk. The work day wouldn't start until 8:05, but Ileana didn't want to start her day with just coffee and no breakfast in her body. So She pulled her phone and earbuds out of her pocket, made for the stairwell and back out into the streets . Since it was still early in the morning, she was bound to find a homeless person, or a drug addict lurking around somewhere. This time, she made sure to keep her eyes peeled for any hunters who would be out and about, working a case.

As a ghoul, she was raised to believe that humans were nothing but a food source for creatures like her to consume without an ounce of remorse, or hesitation. However, her upbringing also taught her that it was possible to at least attempt to co exist with humans. Studying them and trying to adapt to their way of life. But this was easier said than done given the physical differences that distinguish them from humans. Mostly the dark colors that their eyes take on, accompanied by the black Glasgow line that forms on their lips, allowing for their mouths to expand. And the only way to really injure or kill them was a fatality to the head.

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