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~ What did they think? What was going to cancel the story? No Pandicrops Drugged !! This is a top that I was tagged to do it! So enjoy it🙈🙈 ...

1. "Timidity"
-Well, I'd say that's my worst flaw! I'm too shy and I do not know because I'm like that! I think that people like me pretend to be one thing but in reality we are different. For example, many people (Ignorant to me), confuse shyness with asocial, hate the people who do that, oh they say it! They are two very different words with different meanings. Well the one who is reading this and is shy or timid, I will tell you something you do not have to be ashamed to be like that! It is better to be so crazy literally unleashed (I hope not to offend anyone and if I do good everyone has different points of view).

2. "Overprotective Parents"
-I'm not going to say for "Misfortune Oh Luck" I just had some parents like that. Well, I do not judge them, or anything like that, but I think they should understand that we can take care of ourselves and do almost everything on our own (without their help). If I know they want the best for us but it is tiresome that our parents always tell us what to do or choose for ourselves. Because if we do not lack we will not know how to defend ourselves. I give a harvest to the children who have parents like that, the best they can do is to pay attention to almost everything they say, oh manda, literally this is to gain their trust and freedom.

3. "Jealousy"
-The typical jealousy of a girl was his boy, crush, boyfriend, "friend" and in love .. Ok I want to clarify to those guys who do not understand us, we nod for you! I know that sometimes we become annoying and even annoying (I know). But understand, it's for the good of the relationship, since we can not trust our friends. Girls in the last we can trust is in our "best friends". We do not have to let them leave us for our "Best Friends" (they DO NOT TRUST THOSE WHO SAY TO BE BETTER FRIENDS). So it would be best to have them away from your guys! (I say this because they have shown me a show show). Advice to girls who are jealous .. PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN FROM THOSE VÍBORAS, WHO SAY TO BE FRIENDS! Hugs and kisses!!

4. "Kindness Flirting Importance

-This is for boys who have a girlfriend and confuse those three words with different meanings.

¤KINDNESS: Ok to the ignorant who believe that they shine it giving importance to other girls who are not their girlfriends and the worst of the case in front of their faces. Girls a tip stop those stupid people are not worth it! (I say it from experience).
¨FLIRTING: Well it is clear to me that the boys are flirtatious without realizing the mistake they make all the time when they chat with other girls in front of their girlfriends (AT LEAST RESPECT THEIR GIRLFRIENDS BALLS OF CULITOS CAGADOS).
¤ IMPORTANCE: What can I tell you? Keep giving importance to the bitches that want to show off with you? A true man does not do that for God! As much as clowns want to look IGNORELAS! That is the solution of everything and you will see Kisses and hugs!

~ Before continuing, I do not want anyone to feel offended, since these are things that I like and hate.

5. "The Things I Love About My Boy"
-I love all of him but most of all his face, his gestures, his loqueras, his antics (especially this one), his way of being (Although he is half annoyed but I tolerate him), his jealousy (I know that when he feels jealousy is that he is afraid of losing me, the same thing happened to you), his kindness made everyone (the opposite of me and because although I do not like that you are so kind to OTHERS, that hurts me but good☺), his hugs and kisses. 😊😍😘

6. "Love Myself"
-I love myself as it says in the title in English; I'm not perfect but good not to be dissatisfied as we come to the world guys (Without reproaching that we do not have what others have!). Because there are things that we have (Without realizing) and the others do not have and so. I touch this theme because I know that many kids right now in this society that we live in now want to change everything simply to please others (Boyfriend, Crush, Girlfriends and Boys who do Bullying), and then what I can tell you is that you are SAME without ANYONE influencing YOU! You are worthy to be and do whatever it is since none is perfect is this life.

6. "Perfectionists"
-I do not consider myself so "Perfectionist" that we say since I know that everyone around me is not perfect but what I do say is that I like things well done without mistakes. FUCKING PERFECTIONISTS GO TO THEIR PERFECT WORLD AND SEND THERE MORE NO TO US.

7. "The Prince I Always Wanted To Have".
-JAJAJAJAJAJAJA, the typical prince that all the little girls imagine, but when the thing grows it is very different. Well for me the prince was my ex-crush😂. That was a stupid imagination😂 but well, not everything is given as one wants. I'm currently with a guy who is worth it 🙈😍, and then regardless if he was not my first "Prince Charming" <- That sounded childish, I love him and is very important to me.

8. "My Relationship".
-Ok my relationship is strange but I love it. No matter what others say, we are happy in our own way. I would believe that this is the way it should be, because if we listen to society, we will never be happy.

9. "Love Yourself".
-A boys who are reading this and are of low self-esteem and think they are not important. I remind you of something you have been important since you came to this world, no matter what your social status is, oh that your parents do not give you the importance or necessary attention every day. That does not matter you will believe that they do not care what happens to them but they should understand that they work hard to give them their tastes. In short, those with low self-esteem should not feel miserable for their lives! You are worth more than what you think guys cheer up be happy that nothing and no one harms them to say it so.

10. "Egocentrism, Interest, Calling attention"

-I hate people who are self-centered, interested and constantly attract attention (To clarify I do not envy that since I hate to draw attention I would feel uncomfortable with myself). Is that I mean people prefer to keep them away from me since they are tired to talk all day of them, that the "World" turn around them (As they think, pair of ignorant) and look for a pretext to get attention and that we have pity! If I know it, I am very hard to say things but it is like that! And very direct but I like to get to the point to speak with detours. That is, we can not cover the sun with a finger!

~ Well this is all for today I hope you liked my drugged Pandicorn. I hope I have not offended anyone and if I did, I apologize but as I said above, everyone who has a different way of thinking and points of view.


&quot;The Last Kiss&quot; /Two Season/(Lucas Jade Zumann)/ Finished❤Where stories live. Discover now