Chapter # 43. "Nothing is going to do the same"

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⌥MART 3 / 5⌥

/--The next day--/


~ Dakota made me cold yesterday, what's happening to her? I need to know, since she's my sister. "She gets up and goes to Dako's room. Still my little one is asleep because it is well, I will not wake her. But I will wait for her to wake up and give me an explanation of what is happening to her [Dakota wakes up and is scared]

-Der What are you doing sitting there? Dakota asked, surprised.

"I wanted to talk to you, brother to sister," I said.

-And what do you want to talk about? Dakota asks again.

-What is the matter with you? I have noticed you very closed, sad, cold and quiet, "I answered.

"I'm fine," Dakota replied, feigning a smile. you do not have to worry

"I know that smile is false, why do not you trust me?" -Said-. If I worry about what happened to you and what you have

"What is happening is that this is very complicated, I want to explain it because no one has time for me," Dakota said. Today I go to see a psychologist who lives here to orient me on what I do

"I have the time to listen to you." I sit down beside him. You know you can always count on me.

"You remind me of Randy last night," Dakota said. If you want to accompany me to where I'm going

"Of course I was going to go without you inviting me," I said, laughing. How do you go with your memory?

-Well, not very well let's say since I'm forgetting many things.I'm afraid !! Dakota said, frightened. I'll have to go to the doctor, so he can examine me

"Of course you need to go." Hey and what time are you going to go there? "I asked.

"I was going to get ready to leave," Dako replied.

"Well, I'll be in my room fixing up, I'll see you in a little while," I said.


"I do not know what to think of all this." She goes to the bathroom and returns. Let's see what the psychologist says, now my diagnosis is crazy. "They come in abruptly.

"Hi, little girl, you want to talk?" Mom asks.

-Talk about what? I said confused.

"Well, I notice you a little distracted. Are you okay?" "Mother said putting breakfast on the bed.

"Of course, Mama," I said, fixing myself. Do not worry, I'm fine!

"You're not lying to me, are you?" Mom stood up, looking at me.

"I would never do it," I replied, a little disconcerted.

"If you need anything, do not hesitate to come to me," Mom said.

"I loved Mother, thank you!" -Said-.

"Well, I will not take your time," Mom says.

"Okay!" I said with a fake smile. (Why am I like this?) I have to trust my mother,

-Are you ready? Derek asked.

-I iclaro Der! -I replied-.

"Come on," Derek said, and we left.

[We arrived at the house of the Psychologist]

"I'll go talk to her and see if she can take care of you," Cooper says.

"The Last Kiss" /Two Season/(Lucas Jade Zumann)/ Finished❤Where stories live. Discover now