Chapter: #50.✞In what you least expect, everything happens✞

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[In the ambulance]

-Don't forgive me if something happens to Dakota because of me -Said Lucas lamenting-

-Now what did you do? Dark asked

-When I stayed up there, I went down and I ran into Thamy there we started talking and clarifying everything -Rospondió Lucas-


-Ah she's not going to happen anything Derek calm down, you're being paranoid and at this moment what matters is that Dakota is fine Ok? Said Dark seriously.

-DAKOTAAA reacts, sister please, says Derek sobbing-

-You're crying? Dark asked, looking at him.

-If I am, this is why I am like that -Replied Derek stroking my hair-

-Guys all this happened because of me, I'm really sorry -Luke said with his head down-

-Don't blame yourself Lucas, quiet Bro! -Comments Dark-

[The boys arrive at the clinic and Dakota is taken away]

[The next day]


~ It hurts everything, sleeping on a chair is not as comfortable as I thought. "He gets up and stretches. My back ... Still these two are sleeping ... What time is it? - See the time. It's 7:30, fuck with me, kid. I'll go to the cafe-Low and buy. I'll have to call dad and mom, he's going to give him something, but hey, this was unforeseen. - Go where you were before-

-Good morning- the boys said-

"Good morning days," I said. Have not they said anything about Dakota?

-No -The boys say-

-What will be happening? -Commented-. Oh is that nobody comes here to report how the patient is

-Dark you stay? Oh I'm staying? To go to the house and change, "Derek said.

"I'm going to stay," I added, and Derek leaves. And you why do not you go too and then you come

-Because I want to stay here and it is better that you go to change and I will stay here taking care of her -Days Lucas-

-We are in the same we do not want to move just in case a doctor arrives to give us information about her -I said-

-I will not leave without knowing anything about her -Said Lucas-

-Good family days of Dakota Brown? -asked the doctor-

-If I'm his brother, what does he have? -I answered quickly-

-There is good news and another bad one. Which one do I start? -The doctor said-

-By the bad -We said-

-The bad news is that Dakota before had short-term memory and unfortunately that was advanced with the impact she had with the car, becoming Amnesia and well she is now unconscious ... The good thing is that she can wake up between Today or tomorrow, "the doctor said.

-Do you remember that she does not remember anything? What happened, do not remember his name? -I said disconcerted-

"Not for the moment, but let's wait and see how she overreacts," the doctor said.

-Well, can we go see her? -asked Lucas-

- Yes, of course - the doctor answered, leaving


"The Last Kiss" /Two Season/(Lucas Jade Zumann)/ Finished❤Where stories live. Discover now