Chapter: #45."Don't Cry Only Laugh"

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⌥MARATON 5 / 5⌥


~ I feel strange, I think I spoke very strongly against Kate. Is that how you will distrust me and your best friend! I'll take some days to get back to him and that. He gets up and goes down. Hi Mom

-Hello baby and what you got up at this time? Mom asks.

"It's 8:30, Mom," I said.

"You're wrong son, it's 7:30," Mom said laughing.

-WTF !? I thought I had looked at 8:30, oh no, "I said, yawning.

-That must be a girl who has you crazy eh! Mom says.

"Not as you think, I broke up with my girlfriend," I said.

-You had girlfriend? Which one? Mom asks.

"Mama told you she had a girlfriend and it was Kate," I said.

"The one that destroyed my garden, huh?" Mom said.

"Yes," I said. But it does not matter, I'm alone now, "I added.

"But does not Dakota have a boyfriend?" Mom asks.

- Do not hesitate to start Shippearnos! "No," I said.

-I? Not worth, why do not they go out? Mom said.

"Woman, you went crazy, oh what?" I think that would be strange, "I said.

"I tell you something David Mazouz, I always liked Koti for you. Not that I have anything left inside. "

"Mom, how many million times I'm going to tell you that she's my best friend, just that!" -Said-.

"Oh, if you do not dare to be melodramatic," Mom said. David Mazouz, you want to do something for the motherland, and fix the garden

"But Mom," I said and interrupted.

"But I said nothing, I obey David Mazouz," Mom says.

-All right, then do not get mad when they see me ugly! I added.

"What do you mean, David?" Mom asks.

-What is a boy doing? Ayy okay, will not have cachifas, "I said.

-Are you saying you're gay? Good boy. What is the matter with you? I'll have to take you to a doctor, "Mom said.

"Mom, that's what they're going to say, when they see me fix the garden spade that. Well since- "I said, leaving. (I hope that someone of my acquaintance does not pass)


~ I woke up from a nightmare I had, it's 7:50, I'll have to get up, I will not do anything lying here. - She stands up carefully. The girls are still sleeping, so I'll leave. " Holiwis Coop!

-Koti How are you? Asks Cooper.

"Well, I was able to relieve myself yesterday!" Thank you! -I replied-.

What are you doing up at this hour? Cooper said.

"I woke up for a stupid nightmare," I said, eating.

"Hmmm are you going for a ride?" Cooper asked.

-Yes! And my parents? -I replied-.

- They already went to work! Cooper said.

-Ohh oki! Well, I'll be right back! I said leaving. (Okay, I'll take advantage of going to David's house, talking to him. That's him.) Laughing. When will you fix my garden?

"How graceful," David replied. How are you?

"Beautiful and fabulous as ever," I said. I can see you tidying up your garden. "Laughing.

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