Chapter: #44."Me & My Girls"

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⌥MARATON 4 / 5⌥

/ - The Next Day - /


~ I do not know Why I got up so early? Dakota is still sleeping so I'll go to the kitchen to see who I'm wee.

"What pretty pajamas you have as a cat," Dark says, eating.

-Ohh you scared me, thank you: 3-I said taking water.

"I see you spent the night here, I imagine you forgave my sister, doing nothing," Dark said earnestly.

"Hey, do not look ugly, I just made a mistake," I said.

"First you have to have proof before you speak ill of people, I'll just say that," Dark said.

"If I know, and Eve?" -I asked for-.

"He must be in his room," Dark replied.

"All right, I'll go," I said, going. Eva. "I punch the door.

"PASE," Eva says.

"I see you're busy eh," I said, laughing.

-What? Eve said, pulling off her headphones. I'm sorry it inspires me to dance and sing

-Take it all up, you're not the only one !! Hear and you will come to the slumber? -Said-.

-Koti had not told me anything, is there a pajama? And I did not know: 'Eva says.

"If there is, today we'll tell all the girls and baby, baby," I said.

"Of course I'll go wee!" Eva said. Dako is asleep?

"I was not here a while ago," I said. Let's go to see her?

"Sure, come on," Eva says, and they leave.


~ Today is a perfect day to spend with the wee girls! He stretches. I think there's somebody coming to sleep, wee. "

"Shhh's asleep," Eve says. What a sleepy wee

"We're not going to wake her," Kate said. It is better to go back where we came from


-WARGE! Cried the girls.

"Silence is appreciated," Derek said, opening the door between sleeping and awake.

"I'm sorry, Der, it's not going to happen again."

"Thanks," Derek says, leaving.

"They saw my brother first come to my room to tell me that," I said. So speak softly

"Oh sorry Dako," the girls said. The sleepover goes today?

"Of course, what questions are these," I said.

"We have to inform all the girls," Kate said. I will make sure to advise Crystal and McKaila, you take care of the others

"I'll tell Ally, Alaska, and Valery," I said.

-Ok girls we have to change since today is Sunday, tomorrow the high school that annoys! Eva comments.

"Good," I said, going to the bathroom and back.

"Dako, there's a problem," Kate said.

-What's up? I asked, looking for him to put me on.

"I just came in without a change of clothes," Kate replied.

"I thought it was something more serious, I'll lend you some clothes." Since you are small! -Said-. Was that all the drama? Go to the bathroom and then come and I'll have your clothes on the bed

"The Last Kiss" /Two Season/(Lucas Jade Zumann)/ Finished❤Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora