Chapter # 25. "It's Better to Stay Like Friends"

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_-The next day-_


"Randy, Randy wakes up," Alaska says.

-What's wrong with Alas? "Ask between sleeping and awake.

"You're going to do that, I remind you that she's my best friend and I'm not going to let you do it," Alaska replied earnestly. Get up

"I have nothing else to do. Alas, you know she'll always like him, that's obvious." I said, getting up.

"But it's going to be weird if you cut her off, instead of her," Alaska says.

"Well, yes, but I will do it in the most beautiful way, I do not want to hurt her. I'll go to her house and talk to her." "

"It's a bad idea," Alaska adds. But hey, that's your decision, "she breathes. But who do you like?

-Ah? For the simple fact that I'm going to cut him I have to like someone, "I said.

"If you like a girl, I know you Randy," Alaska says. Who?

"You're going to tell yourself, I will not tell you anything." I said this and went to the bathroom and came back.

"I think you threw the full perfume bottle," Alaska says, coughing. So you're going to leave all the girls ahh when you pass, I assure you

"I know, Wings, I'm cute I do not need the perfume," I said, laughing. I already have to go, it's 9:30 am goodbye -



"Wake up on me," I said, laughing.

-I'm sorry, says Eva distressed-

"Nah, I'm calm too when I sleep with the boys," I said.

"Hmm, okay, we better get up," Eve said, getting up.

"Okay." I said and did the same. Good morning family

"Good morning, girls," our parents say.

-How are my cachet? - Ask them by grabbing their cheeks to the boys -

"Okay," the boys said, laughing. And your princess, how are you?

"Well, my brothers, they do not see me," I replied, laughing. I had time without laughing with you of your antics

-JAYJAY, we say the same, said the boys. Uhhh pancakes!

"If you guys," Mom says a little seriously.

-What will happen to him? Whispers Derek-

"I think because we did not say anything to Eva," whispers Dark-

"Shit and you want us to tell you," whispers Derek-

"Boys at the table do not whisper," says Dad-

"Okay, daddy." The boys say.

"Good benefit, Family," I said happily.

"Thank you, my daughter," our parents say.

"Good morning, Brown Family," Randy says. Oh I'll wait in the living room, good fortune

"No son, sit down," Mom said.

"All right," Randy says and sits down.

"Hello King, did you eat?" - Ask happily -

"Hello Queen, if I already ate," Randy answers with guilty feelings.

-And what did you eat? -I asked for-

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