Obi-Wan pressed his comm "Admiral Yularen, keep Grievous' fleet occupied, so Anakin's arrival is undetected,"

"Yes, General," Admiral Yularen replied.

I watched as the space battle began.

"Commander Cody, do you have the exact coordinates of the command ship yet?" Obi-Wan asked.

"We are patching them through now, sir," Cody said.

We all fell to the side as the ship was pulled.

"Tractor beam has us, sir," Cody said. "Shall we fire on the source?"

"Uh, no, Cody." Master Kenobi said as he stood up. "Let them think they have us. We need a diversion for Anakin,"

I sighed "I hope you know what you're doing Master Kenobi,"


We walked through the halls.

"Remember, we need to keep Grievous on this ship until General Skywalker is clear," Obi-Wan explained to Cody as we approached the hangar door that Grievous would be entering from, already Clones were lined up against the walls.

"Look out!" Cody pushed me aside as the hangar door was pushed open.

Commando droids filtered in already taking out some of the troopers.

Master Kenobi and I engaged our lightsabers deflecting the shots as best as we could.

"Kenobi." Grievous greeted as we were surrounded by MagnaGuards. The Magnaguards backed us back into the flight deck. "So, Kenobi, is everything going as planned?"

"That depends on your point of view, General," Obi-Wan said. I noticed the MagnaGuard move and engaged it, as Obi-Wan did the same for the droid on his side. "You wouldn't come here without a plan, and you wouldn't come alone. Tell me, do you think Skywalker has rescued Master Koth yet?"

I shared a glance with Obi-Wan. "Master Kenobi!"

Obi-Wan turned in time as Grievous attacked. The MagnaGuard went to help Grievous but I kept it distracted, by engaging it in battle.

"Your plans have come to ruination, Jedi," Grievous said.

"I hear a lot of talking, General, but in the final accounting, what does all the talk get you?" Kenobi asked "A futile quest for power, a mutilated body, and your place as Dooku's errand boy,"

"I'm no errand boy. And I am not in this war for Dooku's politics. I am the leader of the most powerful droid army the galaxy has ever seen,"

"An army with no loyalty, no spirit-just programming. What have you to show for all your power? What have you to gain?"

"The future!" General Grievous took out two more lightsabers "A future where there are no Jedi,"

I was able to deactivate the MagnaGuard that was attacking me, watching as Grievous engaged Obi-Wan, kicking him to the ground. "The story of Obi-Wan Kenobi ends here,"

"Master Kenobi..." I warned

"Stick to the plan, Skysati..." Obi-Wan jumped up as Grievous struck down with his lightsabers.

"Your friends shall die, Kenobi, and you shall soon follow,"

Using the force, I pushed the Magnadroid towards Grievous hitting him against the window.

"Surrender, General,"

"Never!" Grievous pushed Obi-Wan to the ground, crawling out of the room.

"I've got him!" I shouted as I followed Grievous.


But the door closed on him as Grievous had locked it.

"Cody! Come in!" I said on the comm.

"Yes, sir," Cody said

"Grievous is headed your way," I made it to the troopers as one of them fired a cable at him and they all worked together on pulling Grievous back. I used the force and pulled him back, allowing Troopers to jump on him. Grievous pushed back, Cody falling against the wall. "Cody!"

"I'm alright,"

We all shook as an explosion shook the ship.

"That's not good," I sighed as I led the troopers after Grievous, running into Kenobi. The ship slanted and we all fell backward, Grievous was able to make it to his ship.

"Until we meet again, Kenobi," Grievous chuckled. A lightsaber engaged causing Grievous to turn around as Jedi Master Eeth Koth engaged him in battle. The hallway we were currently in split open and we began to be sucked out into the vacuum of space, a hand quickly grabbed mine and I nodded my thanks as it was Commander Cody. Master Eeth Koth shot off a cable, in which we all grabbed a hold of as she pulled us to the safety of General Grievous's ship.

"Hurry. We can still catch him," Master Kenobi ordered once the bay doors were closed.

"Obi-Wan, Anakin's leaving," Master Eeth Koth informed before he could go running off. "We'll be trapped on the ship,"

"Anakin, come in. We're in a bit of a spot, and we need a way off of Grievous' ship,"

"There's a large hangar near your position. Make your way there, and I'll pick you up," Anakin explained on the comm.

We ran into the hangar where Anakin's ship came into land, not waiting long before taking off once more.

"Here we go!" Anakin exclaimed once we were all on board.

"Anakin, get me Admiral Yularen," Obi-Wan said as we entered the cockpit.


"Several craft detached from Grievous' ship and attempted to land on Saleucami," Admiral Yularen explained.

"Then we'll have to land and follow them. Prepare the tanks," Obi-Wan ordered

"Yes, sir,"

"There must be several landing sites," Anakin noted "It may be hard to locate the good general,"

"You'll have to command the space battle while, Rex, Cody, Skysati, and I head to the surface,"

"You sure you can handle this on your own?"

"He's got me, Skywalker. I think he can manage," I joked

"And look how well that went on this mission,"

I quirked an eyebrow "According to Master Kenobi, most missions he goes on with you end in an explosion getaway, so I have to say this was pretty normal for the two of you,"

Anakin shook his head but I saw the slight smile as we landed on the Republic craft. A medical droid waiting as we boarded.

"I'll get Master Koth to a medical frigate." Master Eeth Koth explained.

"You all took a great risk rescuing me." Master Koth said.

"You're welcome, Master Koth," Obi-Wan said.

"Since you divided your forces, Grievous is still at large. I would have gladly given my life if it meant bringing that monster to justice,"

"Well, at least we all live to fight another day," Anakin said

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